I Ran Away to Mexico by Laura Labrie - HTML preview

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I stepped out of the grocery store into the dark street and found Jerry standing before me with a plastic bag in his hand.

Lee, who stood beside me asked, "You been shopping?"

Jerry opened the bag and inside was a wheel. A small, hard rubber wheel. It was for his shopping cart.

I had seen Jerry cleaning in the park and along the streets many times. I often thanked him for working so hard. Bocas isn’t exactly clean and it was always nice to see someone working to make it a little better.

I didn’t know Jerry wasn’t working for the town. I had no idea he was doing it for free.

I did know he carried clothing in his shopping cart, along with his broom and dust pan, and an old lamp he was planning to fix.

I also knew he carried his Bible. I usually saw him with it stuffed in the pocket of his shorts.

Once I saw him sitting on a park bench early in the morning, reading.

Lee didn't see the ever-present Bible, so he asked, “Do you have your Bible?”

Jerry's eyes lit up and a smile jumped to his previously serious face.

He patted his pocket. It was hiding there, well cared for and protected as the most valuable thing he carried.

I decided keep an eye out for Jerry. Next time I saw him cleaning, I thanked him for his hard work and I took him out to lunch.

It was a privilege to eat with a man who loves God and loves to clean.