London theatre and Theatre Breaks by Simon Harding - HTML preview

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Pre-Theatre Dinner

If you are like me you normally eat at 7 o’clock. Not so good if you are supposed to be in the theatre by 7:30. And if, like me, when you don’t eat until 10:30, your stomach lets you and anyone around you, know about it, then that is not an option either. So the early pre-theatre meal is almost obligatory. And it is here that we find the most perfect symbiosis in London.

Most London restaurants will say that their main business hours are from 8 till 10. This means that if they can get a few people in and out before 7:30 then that is a bit of a bonus! What does your average theatre-goer want to do? Get in and out by 7:30 Oh happy days!

All we want is a quick but enjoyable meal, all restaurant owners want to give us is a quick but enjoyable meal, maybe with a bottle of wine thrown in. Perfect!

But wait, it gets better! When the crowds leave at 10, the restaurants are left kicking their heels a bit… what do we want? Coffee and dessert and maybe to finish that bottle of wine off. What do restaurant owners want to give us? Coffee and desert and that old bottle of wine that was hanging around since earlier! Double Perfect.

If you are going to the theatre in London make sure you arrive 2 hours early, find your theatre and pick a nearby restaurant. They will probably know what you want before you sit down… they may even ask, without bidding, “which show is sir and madam seeing tonight?” They don’t ask what time, by asking the show they will already know what time and how long it will take you to get there and working back, when they need to be presenting you with the bill!

The theatre-goer and the restaurant owner should be best of friends because they are perfect for each other. Needless to say, every theatre in London is surrounded by a variety of restaurants offering a wide variety of foods at a wide variety of prices.

So perfect is this that many agents will be able to book your pre-theatre dinner at the same time as your ticket and even at the same time as your hotel room if you don’t want to leave it until you arrive.

Hotel Restaurants

Do you want to be walking across London on a full stomach, with just 5 minutes to go before curtain up, having just eaten at an empty hotel restaurant?