Once Around the World: alone as a young woman through Africa by Michaela Gruber - HTML preview

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1.1 The difference between backpacking and package holidays


As you might already have noticed, this book is about a particular style of traveling, namely backpacking. But what is the difference between backpacking and package holidays? For most of you, backpacking is certainly a term that you might have heard at least once.


The following is a list of the most important differences:

A backpacker is someone who travels the world only equipped with his or her backpack.


Backpackers travel for a longer timeframe than a single week.


Backpackers like to dive deep into the culture of a country and want to see more than only the pool from their hotel site. They want to get in touch with locals, try local food, etc.


Backpackers mostly travel in a minimalistic way, meaning, they try to take as little baggage as possible with them and try to get through the days with a low budget. This also means they prefer longer bus rides over expensive flights. Some thrill seekers also travel by tramping. They mostly sleep in cheap hostels or use couchsurfing websites to find a stay at the home of locals.


Backpackers often travel alone.


Backpackers organize their journey on their own and individually.


Backpackers love adventures.


The life of a backpacker also can be very hard:

You sometimes sleep with fifteen other backpackers in a sleeping room, from which minimum one snores loudly, and five would urgently need a shower.


You never know what the next day will bring, not even where you will sleep.


You wait hours for a bus or for a car that stops for you and picks you up.


You sometimes have to negotiate prices on the market for way too long.


You will get weird or compassionate looks, when you are tormenting through the streets in the midday heat with your heavy backpack on your shoulders to find an accommodation.


You will be squeezed in between people, living chicken, and dozens of goats, while almost not being able to move.


For some, all of these points will probably sound really terrible, but exactly these experiences are, what will make your journey an unforgettable adventure.


Additionally, backpacking also has many advantages compared to package holidays:

It will give you an incredible feeling of freedom. You can do or stop doing (almost) anything you want to do, and you will not be trapped in some giant hotel complex, where you will be told that it anyway would be way too dangerous to go on the streets.

You will experience new adventures every single day and will be miles away from your boring everyday life at home. You will have to deal with and overcome your own fears. It will make you more courageous. You will have a lot of time to reflect on yourself, by which you will grow as a human being and strengthen your character.