Once Around the World: alone as a young woman through Africa by Michaela Gruber - HTML preview

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3. Chapter Preparations


When you have decided to start a backpacking trip to Africa, then your preparations start. At first, I was quite overwhelmed. With what should I start? What would I need to think about?


It is quite normal for fears, worries, and questions to come up at this stage. If this is not true for you, you might approach the situation a little too blue-eyed.

I first started researching on the internet and the numerous travel blogs. There are so many things to settle in advance, so that you can later enjoy your travel carefree. I would like to make the preparation a little easier for you and will therefore explain my findings in detail in this section.


At the beginning of my journey, I still thought that I would spend only two months in Africa and would then continue on to South America. In a year I wanted to be home again.

Of course, everything was very different – as almost always when traveling. I fell in love with Africa and stayed there for six full months. In hindsight, I am really happy that I did not have anything that forced me to return home. I terminated the rental contract for my apartment in advance, sold my car, sold my furniture, and held flea markets to sell all the superfluous items that had accumulated over the years.

I freed myself from all valuables, before I would start on my long journey. In the beginning it almost hurt a little in my heart. But this feeling passed quickly. After that, I just felt free – free of all the unnecessary ballast, free of all the problems that a car or other valuables can often cause. I literally had nothing left to worry about. I only had my backpack.

For many, that may sound horrible. But believe me – that was the best decision I made in my preparations.