Once Around the World: alone as a young woman through Africa by Michaela Gruber - HTML preview

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Dissolving your apartment, terminating your job, leaving everything behind you and simply traveling the world – how does this sound? I dared to do it! In September of 2015, I packed my backpack and began a journey into the unknown. I started only with a one-way ticket to Uganda, into the heart of Africa, and with a proper portion of optimism. I had not the slightest idea what would await me on this continent, how my route would look like, or how long it would take me. It was my first real backpacking trip, my first time in the depths of Africa, and my first journey on which I was completely on my own. These were the best prerequisites for the adventure of my life.


I can still remember very well, how I sat in the airplane to Uganda – just then I realized what I was really up to. Suddenly, I got very excited and nervous. I had never sat on my own in an airplane before. The thoughts were revolving in my head. I was feeling helpless and alone, but I knew: This journey was a dream I had longed for quite some time. If I would not fulfill it now, when else would I? I was young, single, and did not have any children. There would not come a better time. If I did not start immediately, it would be too late.


My journey across Africa lasted roughly six months. I started my journey in Uganda and traveled on the land route all the way through to South Africa. Along this route, I traveled through Tanzania, Malawi, Zambia, Botswana, Namibia and Lesotho. Driven by my limitless desire for adventures, I traveled with a low budget and stayed mostly away from the worn-out tourist paths. I wanted to see and experience untouched nature as much as possible. I wanted to discover remote tribes, which live far from any civilization and are still hunting their own food. All that and a lot more, I have experienced in unforgettable ways.


When I left Africa, my heart bled. These mythical countries that appear to be so different to us, were something I really liked. I really fell in love with this fascinating continent. Most people know very little about Africa. When I tell someone that I have stayed there for half a year only equipped with my backpack, I always see horrified faces – “Africa? That is way too dangerous!” I want to put an end to these prejudices in this book. Above all, Africa is a continent, and each single of its countries is very different from another. Therefore, one can never claim that whole Africa is insecure.


Originally, it was never my plan to write a book. I started a blog, at the beginning of my journey, so my friends and relatives could stay up to date with my trip. Astonishingly, I had more visitors on my blog as I had imagined. Time after time, I received e-mails with questions about my trip. Since I love to write, one day, I decided to write down my impressions and tips in a book for interested and prospective Africa travelers.


I have never been the perfect backpacker from the start – it was quite the reverse. Principally, I have to admit that I started quite naive into this journey. But with time, I learned and developed more and more to a really professional backpacker. I want to share my experiences with you and would like to encourage you to also embark on such an adventure.


If you are unsure what any words or terms mean, please take a look into the Glossary at the end of the book.


In case of further questions, please visit my blog or write me an e-mail:



