Riding The Flying Horse by Jyotsna Lal - HTML preview

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Chapter 6



San Antonio in Texas is a unique place , you can feel the old wild west when we visit historical Almo,you do see some men wearing hats jeans with broad belts and high boots. Almo is the place where the was war with Mexican rebels . the fort and museum are tourist attraction . Texas shares its borders with Mexico. Border town El Paso stands on the Rio Grande (Río Bravo del Norte), across the border from Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, Mexico. The two cities form a combined international metropolitan area, sometimes called El Paso-Juárez, with Juárez being the significantly larger of the two in population. Ciudad Juárez is one of the fastest growing cities in the world despite being called " one of the deadliest cities in the world’. There are four international ports of entry connecting Ciudad Juárez and El Paso, including the Nauticapuente America [Bridge of the Americas], Ysleta Internacional Bridge, Paso del Norte Bridge, and Stanton Street Bridge

There are huge cattle farms in Texas ,one them is Beafmaster. Bluebell icecream factory enroute to this town ,the logo is cute little girl with cow, we had the wonderful chance of visiting this factory.

The San Antonio River Walk (also known as Paseo del Río) is a network of walkways along the banks of the San Antonio River, one story beneath the streets of Downtown San Antonio, Texas, USA. Lined by bars, shops and restaurants, the River Walk is an important part of the city's urban fabric and a tourist attraction in its own right.

Today, the River Walk is an enormously successful special-case pedestrian street, one level down from the automobile street. The River Walk winds and loops under bridges as two parallel sidewalks lined with restaurants and shops, connecting the major tourist draws from the Alamo to Rivercenter Mall, to the Arneson River Theatre, to Marriage Island, to La Villita, to HemisFair Park, to the Tower Life Building, to the San Antonio Museum of Art, and the Pearl Brewery.

In the nineteenth century River had flooded destroying the town of San Antonio, the town was rebuilt on an higher plinth, the area near the river was lower than than the rest of the town and was utilized for a recreational space , transformed into hotels , riverside cafes , casino and theatre with bridges crisscrossing the river with geese swimming in it

We approached the famous riverwalk by climbing down a staircase from the road near the car park. A large boat with seats takes people on a tour along the river ,you can sightsee the entire riverwalk. We spent the whole in the cool , while the town was burning in the summer heat.

Our hostess Mrs Maya Jacob took us to visit Dr Eric Daniel who had originally belonged to the city of Prayag and sangam also known as Allahabad in India . He and his wife lived in beautiful housing society ,we had to enter through a gate complete with guard and intercom who allowed us to drive in when Dr Daniel said ,‘yes’

His home was a mansion with a swimming pool , we spent the night in his home.,he as a gracious took us to china town to eat chinese food which is actually American food as you know we had already sampled real chinese food in China two years back.

Here I must mention ,his neighbour who had a beautiful conifer in the middle of his garden , which was decorated with chimes , so many different types like traditional chinese chimes, butterfly chimes, angel chimes , dragon chimes and flower chimes. they were not home so sadly without her permission I could not photograph the tree.

Let me elaborate in USA ,the gardens are not fenced so everywhere you will see in American towns infinite neat lawns with flowers and garden decoration like images of deer , elfs ,fairies and stautes of mother Mary

There is lady who lives in the suburbs of Austin , Mrs. Rustumji from Bombay [Mumbai ] ,she has a unique collection of frog toys , garden decoration .

All over the house and garden ,there green frogs in various poses and activities. I just couldnot control myself , wandered all around admiring her house, there were many wild deer roaming around her house. Texas is supposed to be a desert but now it very green.

We were in Austin,Texas, ‘Austin’ is my father’s name unfortunately he passed away , mother missed him when we were there .

Mother ‘s day was celebrated in the church , all the women wore red and were presented with a carnation at end of the church service.

This was the summer of 2008, I was asked by the women church group to share with my thoughts . So this is a summary.

King David is an old Bible hero well known as the brave shepherd boy Goliath’s slayer and singer of psalms . King David had many queens and several children .He had two sons Ab’salom, Am’non who were brave young soldiers , and a beautiful daughter named Tamar. Ab’salom and Am’non were step brothers and Am’non desired his stepsister Tamar.

One day he feigned sickness and asked his father to send Tamar to take care of him, old King David ordered Tamar to care for her brother .The young Princess baked some cakes and went into Am’non’s room dressed in her robe of many colors . Am’non raped his sister and then threw her out of his quaters .Poor Tamar rent her virgin robe of many colors and went crying to the house where she lived with her brother Ab’salom And King David came to know of it , but did not punish Am’non

Elder brother Ab’salom never uttered a word against his brother but swore revenge in his heart . Ab’salom loved his little sister Tamar and plotted secretly to murder Am’non After two years he got the opportunity during sheep shearing time where he ordered His servants to kill Am’non and they did as he had commanded Thus ended the sinful life of a young Am’non who died at the hands of his brother We donot find any further account of the marriage of the young Princess Tamar or how she spent the rest of her life [ II Samuel :13]

This story is may be a thousand years old , often overlooked when relating the tales of valour of the jewish kings . The old Testament is considered holy by Jews,Christians and muslims .The ancient scripture writer filled with the holy ghost chronicled this incident So that it would be a constant reminder to the injustices meted out to the girl child in her own home .

There are many sexual crimes committed against young girls,by their own cousin brothers, uncles , old male family friends and neighbours Unfortunately most of these crimes go unpunished because fear of public shame , social ostracism and often lack of evidence to be able to catch the culprit Today’s men become sexually aware at a young age and give vent to their frustrations by commiting sex related crimes . Cinema and advertising campaigns of various goods like bathing soaps, shampoos, undergarments and pornographic literature are are more or less responsible .The need of the time is to communicate and share your thoughts to be able understand your own human needs .Parents should invite conversation with Teen age son and daughter so that they can communicate their problems .

Teachers can always help,often college teachers remain aloof to their students ,they should also invite conversation .Brothers should share with their younger sisters We should enlighten the youth of the need to protect the girl child in their homes . Not to take revenge like elder brother Ab’salom but to avert the crime and to guide the youth in leading a healthy life . We know that Ab’salom couldnot become King of Israel ,because the blood of his brother was on his hands .

Sex related crimes can be averted if todays youth are freed from ignorance and educated about this social evil as well as the psychological impact on the girl child and the women at large .In India , the girl child is suffering in her own home .

Tornado is a funnel storm common to texas , it picks up things like trucks , wooden houses and carries them to great distances and then flings them generating great havoc. There was a thunderstorm one night when we were in Georgetown we three ladies were watching TV ,suddenly there was a tornado watch onTV,I was really scared we prayed and stood near the hatch in the basement.They kept reporting its movement and it passed over Georgetown

We returned by KLM Royal dutch airlines ,changed flight at Schiphol Amsterdam airport . we had a six hour wait . explored the airport , the shopping mall situated inside the terminals , had a cow parade with life size cow sculptures , where you could taste and buy cheese . Kenkenhof flower parade , beautiful tulips were for sale.

The were food courts and magazine kiosks but most attractive were the funny cow statutes on display . to describe ,a cow cycling ,another talking on the phone. Dancing in the dance floor. The best was a cow in a bath tub soaking taking a bubble bath.

Schipol has an airport park ,with green foliage and décor ,there are virtual butterflies projected all around. In the park juices from fresh fruits and organic food is avalaible .

The park looks natural with wooden picnic benches . there is a possibility for sitting outerdoors .the park stretches out onto a terrace allowing you o soakup some sunrays and take in some fresh air, watch the huge kites land and takeoff. A klomp is a clog from the Amsterdam and Rotterdam, the Netherlands, The oldest surviving wooden footwear in Europe ,there is a shop for tourist souvenirsat airport . However some Dutch people, particularly farmers, market gardeners, and gardeners still wear them for everyday use.

An adorable beagle named Sherlock returns lost items to owners at Amsterdam airport. The beagle sniffs out the owners of lost property such as phones and passports before they leave Schiphol Airport. Sherlock is on the case.

The little Beagle weaves in and around the throng of travelers at Amsterdam’s Schiphol Airport just to return possessions left behind on flights. Sherlock is a loves moving walkways at airports. In addition to using trip manifests to track down owners of lost phones, passports, children’s toys and other worldly possessions, Sherlock is trained to get a good scent on the item and track its owner before they leave the airport. I did not meet this pup as KLM ‘s this employee has recently joined the service .

MOTHER COW IS HER NAME [ Indian cows ]

Look! Who comes down the lane 

              Hail! Mother Cow is her name

If she wanders in the lane 

  All devotion is i n vain

The master milked her

        And pushed her in the lane

An orphan she became 

   Standing outside in the rain

Nobody to claim

 Mother cow is her name 

Hungry,bony and so tame

             See her drinking from the drai n

Who is to be blamed!

      If ! mother cow is her name

Food she tried to obtain

But the vendor hit her with a cane

And shouted , whose the offendi ng dame

           Mother cow is her name

Says her master there‘s a gain

 Many bulls to mate in the lane

As no farms for the same 

                       Is an excuse so lame

When a calf is born, who has the claim

                    Master is the name

Who is to blame !

          If! She feeds in the drain

The government is to blame

  Say the people i n refrai n

In the marketplace she ate the grain

                                                Cried out the merchant what a shame

                             Thief !  we should rename! 

                                             What mother cow is her name

                             At the crossroads she sits and wanders in the lane

                                              Standing  traffic to still

                          Said the policeman, what a pai n

                                              And  Mother cow is her name

                         All devotion is in vain

                                              If she wanders in the lane

                        Mother cow is her name

               An orphan she became

                        Standing i n the rai n

                                           All devotion is i n vain

                        Mother cow is her name .  Mother cow is her name