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Let me take you on a trip to the Holy land .You can call it on a pilgrimage . I have described most of the international airports ,Indira Gandhi international Airport Delhi has four elephants at its welcome area and the Sun God sculpture in T3 Area,the shopping area after the security check is unique with childrens funland, Macdonalds , relaxing couches , SPA. Everthing is beautifully lighted and decorated. I met one of my students when I was there. He works in an airline as ground staff. Before proceeding let me give you the hair story ,which ever part of world you go hair style reflect the culture and religion. Sikhs men never cut their hair but cover them with turban. Chinese men grow their hair make pigtails and ponytails . Payot are worn by some men and boys in the Orthodox Jewish community based on an interpretation of the Biblical injunction against shaving the "corners" of one's head.

Sheitel the Yiddish word for a wig or half-wig worn by some Orthodox Jewish married women in order to conform with the requirement of Jewish Law to cover their hair. This practice is part of the modesty-related dress standard called tzniut. In 2004, there was a degree of controversy over natural hair sheitels procured from India. It was discovered that the hair used for the production of these wigs was taken from a Hindu temple. According to Halacha one cannot derive benefit from anything used in what Judaism considers to be idolatry. The controversy ceased when it became clear that the hair was neither worshiped nor offered as a sacrifice to the deity, but shaven as a rite of purification, thus excluding it from the category of forbidden items

All around you can see Chassidic Jewish men, wearing the same black velvet Kippa, the exact same dark wool jacket and pants and business shirt, the same reddish beard and rimless glasses.Lubavitch jewish Hasidim men wear a fedora ,trilby which looks like a black hat .Jews men from Poland, Belarus and Ukraine, wear dashikl was a peaked cap

The tallit is a Jewish prayer shawl worn while reciting morning prayers as well as in the synagogue on Sabbath and holidays. The tallit has special twined and knotted fringes known as tzitzit fringes or tassels attached to its four corners., a blue thread known as tekhelet is supposed to be included in the tzitzit. A kippah or kappel or "skull cap" is a thin, slightly-rounded skullcap traditionally worn at all times by observant Jewish men

We had to take a flight from Delhi to Jordan airport. Queen Alia International is Jordan's largest airport and is located in Zizya south of the capital city, Amman. Named after Queen Alia, third wife to the late King Hussein of Jordan, the airport is home to the country's national flag carrier, Royal Jordanian Airlines .

We relaxed a day in Jordan shed the jetlag , then transferd from our hotel in Amman to Allenby Bridge, crossed the border by shuttle bus, met the Israeli shuttle bus at the Israeli side and drive to Bethlehem. On all the holy sites, there are churches and mosques .The first holy destination is the Church of the Nativity , Inside the Church, two sets of stairs on either side of the altar lead down into the Grotto, the site where Jesus was born. A silver star embedded in white marble and bearing the Latin inscription “Here of the Virgin Mary Christ was born” marks the site.

Inside the ancient Church of the Nativity, we can really touch the very place where Jesus was born. Built by St. Helena already in the 4th century, it has been an active church and never destroyed ever since! Here St. Heronymus wrote the first Latin translation of the Bible – the "Volgata outside ,the birth place of our saviour There is a vast esplanade between the Mosque of Omar and the Church of the Nativity constitutes the tourist centre of Bethlehem and is known as The Manger Square

The next drive is to Milk Grotto.According to tradition, the Milk Grotto [cave] is where Mother Mary nursed baby Jesus while hiding there from Herod’s soldiers before going to Egypt. Located southeast of the Basilica, it is an irregular Grotto hewn out of soft white rock. It is believed that some drops of Mary’s milk trickled, turning the rock white. Revered by Christians and Muslims alike, the milk-white rock is famous for its healing powers and reputed ability of making nursing easier for women. Packets of white salt are obtained.

We were taken to Shepherds Field It is located in the town of Beit Sahour 2km east of Bethlehem. This is the site where the angel of the Lord appeared before the shepherds bringing them the good tidings of the birth of Jesus, joined with a multitude of heavenly hosts, who sang ” Glory to God In the Highest and on Earth, Peace among men. We all sang the famous christmas carol,’Hark the herald angels sing ! Glory to the new born king !

We boarded a bus belonging to Israel tourism , traveling 5 hours which reached Jerusalem , this was Day Three: Tour of Jerusalem. Highlights: city walls and gates, Holy Sepulchre, Dome of the Rock, Mount of Olives, Via Dolorosa.On all the holy sites, there are churches and mosques

Located at the foot of the Mt. of Olives, is the Garden of Gethsemane where stands the Church of All Nations . The Mt.of Olives is located east of Jerusalem, across the Kidron Valley. From here you can get a magnificent view of the Old City and a striking panorama as far as the Dead Sea and the mountains of Moabin the East The Mt. of Olives is associated with some of the most important events Jesus’ life. Here, Jesus ascended to Heaven (Chapel of Ascension), foretold the destruction of Jerusalem, taught his disciples the Lord’s prayer (Pater Noster), and wept over Jerusalem on his way to the Holy City on Palm Sunday (Church of Dominus Flevit).

The Dome of the Rock is a mosque located on the Temple Mount in the Old City of Jerusalem. It has been called 'Jerusalem's most recognizable landmark'.

A visit to the holy city or wall city There are three gates in the north wall: Damascus Gate, New gate, and Herod’s Gate. The most beautiful gate is Damascus Gate in the north wall, where the Arab bazaar and marketplace begins. On the west, the citadel, commonly called theTowerofDavid, built on the site of Herod’s palace flanks Jaffa Gate On the southwest corner is Zion Gate, Mosque of David (Daoud in Arabic). This gate is near David’s Tomb, the Cenacle, and the Church of Dormition. On the east end of the wall is Lions Gate, which is also known as St. Stephen’s Gate It is the reputed site of stoning of St. Stephen (the first martyr). he gate marks the start of the Via Dolorosa.

Via Dolorosa, The Sorrowful Way of the Cross, is considered the holiest road in the Christian world. Along the road’s uneven path, Jesus was led from the place of His condemnation to that of His crucifixion and death. About 10 years after the crucifixion, a third wall was built that enclosed the area of the execution and burial within the city, and this accounts for the Holy Sepulchre's location inside the Old City of Jerusalem today.

This traditional route starts from Antonia fortress, where he was condemned to death, toCalvary, where he was crucified. The event is commemorated at fourteen stations: two are located at Antonia, seven are located in the streets, and the last five are inside the church of the Holy Sepulchre.

StationI. Jesus is condemned to death.Station II Jesus receives the cross.Station III. Jesus falls under the cross for the first time.Station IV. Jesus meets His mother Mary.Station V. The cross is taken over by Simon of Cyrene.Station VI.Veronica wipes the sweat from Jesus’ face.Station VII. Jesus falls for the second time.Station VIII. Jesus consoles the women of Jerusalem.Station IX. Jesus falls for the third time.Station X.Jesus is stripped of His garments.Station XI.Jesus is nailed to the cross.Station XII.Jesus dies on the cross.Station XIII.Jesus’s body is taken off the cross.Station XIV.Jesus’s body is laid into the sepulchre.

Here many pilgrims rent a huge wooden cross to carry on their shoulders walk that holy path and pray for their salvation.

Church of the Holy Sepulchre preserves the most holy moments of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, this church is the world’s holiest shrine to Christians. Situated in the Old City’s Christian Quarter, the church was first built in the fourth century byConstantine’s Mother Helena over the site of a Roman Pagan temple. The present structure is Crusader (12th century) and contains the last five Stations of the Cross. It also, contains the Chapel of Golgotha where Jesus was crucified, the sepulcher itself where Jesus was buried and from which he rose, and the Chapel of Mary Magdalene where the risen Christ first revealed himself The site of the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem is identified as the place both of the crucifixion and the tomb of Jesus of Nazareth. Here we knelt and prayered before the huge white stone of the rock cut grave The church has long been a major pilgrimage center for Christians all around the world.According to the New Testament, Jesus was crucified at Golgotha, "the place of the skull" (Matt. 27:33–35; Mark 15:22–25; John 19:17–24). This has been identified as an area of abandoned stone quarries just outside the city wall of the time..

Israel has two lakes. The one up in the North is the Kinneret, also known as the sea of Galilee, because it is up in the area called the Galilee. From this lake comes most of the water in the tiny state. The ancient city of Tiberias, located on its shores, is today a flourishing city. Here the delicious St. Peter's fish is caught by the local fishermen and prized as a delicacy. Our group was served this fish at lunch .

From the Kinneret, the water is purified and pumped into large pipelines that bring the life-giving water to the towns and cities all over the country. From the Kinneret, the Jordan river winds it's way down to the Dead Sea. It is much smaller now than in the times of the Bible, but still enough to give life and green to the plants all along it's path.

The second of Israel's lakes is the Dead Sea. The dead sea is an area of desolation. Even though the sweet waters of the Jordan flow into it, yet the salty mineral water is too heavy to be diluted. No plants grow around the banks of the dead sea, and no fish or plant life exist in the heavily salty waters. The salt concentrate is not like that of the average oceans of the world. It is so great that when a bather walks into the water, at a point approximately at his chest, the dense water lifts him up and he will float. Indeed no one is able to swim in the water. The salt and mineral content is so great that it burns the eyes and any open wound. After being in the water, a bather must wash to cleanse himself from the salt and mineral residue.

What a contrast! Compare the life-giving water of the Kinneret in the North to the deathly parched area around the Dead Sea.

This is similar to two basic types of people: There is the giver, the person who gives generously whether of his time or his money. And there is the taker, the person who only takes, and any giving on his part is only in his own self interest, to promote more taking. The giver, gives, and life grows around him. The taker only takes and death is around him, nothing sprouts.

Yes, there are contributory rivers that flow into the Kinneret, but their waters are not kept there, but distributed to other needy sources. The giver is the sustainer of life.

The Dead Sea is located in the lowest part of Israel and one of the lowest parts of the world. The Dead Sea keeps all of it's water to itself. Similarly, the taker, only takes and keeps it only for himself. No one else benefits from him. Nothing is lower that this.

Even from the geography of the Holy Land of Israel, we learn deep lessons on how to conduct our lives. Let's be a giver. Let's concern ourselves with the other person. Remember, even smiling at the next person is an act of giving. Let's go beyond our needs and see what we can do to help the next person.

Our group took a boat ride around the sea of Galilee , waved the flag of India and sang,’Guide me ,O’ thou great Jehovah , Pilgrim through this barren land, I am weak but though art mighty, hold me with thy powerful hand , Bread of Heaven , Bread of Heaven ,Feed me till want nomore , Feed me till want nomore When I tread the verge of Jordan , Bid my anxious fears subside ,Death of Death and hells destruction, Land me safe on Canaan’s side , Songs of praises , Songs of praises ,I will ever give to thee, I will ever give to thee.


Clothes cover our body and reveal our soul. They enhance one trait, embellish another, camouflage a third, and even tailor us a whole new identity. They are our filter and mirror, our badge and disguise, our defense against the world and the part of ourselves most susceptible to its influence.

From a Jew's skullcap to a soldier's uniform , from social butterfly’s versace long black gown to a poor bride's trousseau, there should only the three garments of the soul (thought, speech and action).

This incident I have to share with my readers , in our absence our house was broken in and many things of value were stolen. We came back and most the year was spent running to the police station and the insurance company.

The man who we had trusted with our house ,he had been helped in many ways by my mother. She had given him our old refrigerator in working condition and mobile phones and also helped him with money . His son was responsible for the theft , but he was not caught , as our police is very corrupt.

Once again , I saw Satan at work to break our faith, our confidence, trying to to make me that I ‘m alone weak without friends and relatives.

Ephesians 6 : 10-20 The Armor of God

10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.

11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.

12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.

13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.

14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place,

15 And with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.

16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.

17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.

19 Pray also for me, that whenever I speak, words may be given me so that I will fearlessly make known the mystery of the gospel,

20 For which I am an ambassador in chains. Pray that I may declare it fearlessly, as I should.

 The End



ISBN: 9781370084333

Author: jyotsna lal

Publisher: Smashwords, Inc.


Author: jyotsna lal


Title: Meng Chiang-Nu and The Dragon

Smash words 2016-07-14 9781311015679

Free ISBN 2016-07-15

LULU : ISBN #: 978-1-312-07346-3



ISBN: 9781370968060

Publisher: Smashwords, Inc.



ISBN: 9781370084333

Author: jyotsna lal

Publisher: Smashwords, Inc.



ISBN: 9781370233472

Author: jyotsna lal

Publisher: Smashwords, Inc.



LULU :ISBN #: 978-1-300-26660-0




LULU :ISBN #: 978-1-291-11418-8


Book Title: Princess Cynisca


LULU : ISBN #:978-1-300-27609-8










by Jyotsna Lal






by Jyotsna Lal




LULU ::ISBN #: 978-1-300-27601-2

ISBN: 9781370158836

Publisher: Smashwords, Inc.

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