Cubase VST-Score Printing and Layout by - HTML preview

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Exporting pages as image files

You can export a section of a page, or a complete page, as an image file in standard Windows Bitmap (BMP) format. This allows you to import your scores into Desktop Publishing and Painting applications.

Selecting a section of a page for Exporting

If you only want to export a part of a certain page, proceed as follows: 1. Make sure you are in Page Mode.
2. Pull down the Score menu and select Select Range from the Export submenu.
The pointer turns into a cross hair.


3. Drag over the section of the Score you want to include.


The area is indicated by a black rectangle.

4. If needed, adjust the size of the rectangle by dragging its handles (in the corners) with the arrow pointer.
The selection rectangle disappears as soon as you click elsewhere in the score.

5. Proceed with Exporting as described below.


To Export the Score, proceed as follows:
1. Make sure you are in Page Mode.

2. Pull down the Score menu and select “Export Score...” from the “Export” submenu. The Export dialog appears.



3. Specify a resolution for the file.
This determines the accuracy with which the image will be created. 300dpi, for example, is the resolution most laser printers use for printing. If the image file will only be displayed on screen in other programs, select 72 or 96 (depending on screen resolution) and it will have the same size as it had in VST.

4. Decide if you want a black and white or color file by activating/deactivating the “Color Bitmap” check box.
Do not use color if your score is only black and white, or if it will only be printed on a black and white printer. This is because if you activate color, the file will be much larger than if you don’t.

P If you export an entire page in 300 dpi and color, you will get a file that is several Megabytes large.

5. Specify a name and a location for the file and click “Save”.
The specified section of the score is exported and saved as a file. It can now be imported into any program supporting the selected file format.