Cubase vst- Getting into the Details by - HTML preview

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Score Edit displays your music as regular notation. Below you will find a description of some of Score Edit’s main features:

The mouse position is shown both in the mouse box and as a note name in the box below. When you move a note, the lower box shows the amount of transposition in semitones.
The “inverted” notes are selected.

00329.jpgThe Song Position Pointer.
If you are editing Parts on several Tracks at the same time, the striped
double bar line at the beginning of the score indicates the Active Track.


• If you are editing one Track, as much of it as possible is shown on several staves - one above the other - just as with a score on paper.
• If you edit Parts on several Tracks, they are put on a grand staff (multiple staves, tied together by bar lines).
• The number of measures across the screen of course depends on how many notes there are in each measure.
• The last measure in the Part is indicated by a double bar line.

About the “Score Toolbar”

When we talk about the Score Toolbar, we mean the bar with icon buttons just above the actual score. Don’t confuse this with the Toolbar window (described on page 642).

00330.jpgThe Score Toolbar.