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The Controller Editor What can I do with the Controller Editor?

The Controller Editor is specially designed for graphical editing of Events other than notes. These include, among others, Audio and MIDI Mixer automation Events and MIDI Events such as Modulation, Main Volume and Pitch Bend Events, but also Velocity values (which are not really Events of their own but rather properties of notes). There are many similarities to the Controller strip in the Key and Drum Editors, but the Controller Editor has several additional features. In brief, this is what you can do in the Controller Editor:

• Create and Edit all types of MIDI Continuous Events.
• Display and Edit Events in Audio or MIDI MixTracks.
• Display several Event types in a Track simultaneously.
• Edit values for MIDI Mixer objects.

When should I use the Controller Editor?

Generally, use the Controller Editor whenever you want to edit Continuous Events. If you want to edit Note- and Controller Events together, use the Key (or Drum) Editor. Read on for more specific information on what you can do with the Controller Editor.

About Editing Various Types of Track Classes

You can use the Controller Editor for the following Track Classes:
• MIDI Tracks.

• Audio and MIDI Mix Tracks.


See page 473 and page 308 for information about Audio and MIDI Mix Tracks respectively.