Cubase vst- Getting into the Details by - HTML preview

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Applying a Filter

Just setting up the filters is enough for some very complex Logical Editing. Proceed as follows:

1. Open Logical Edit from the Arrange window or from the editors, depending on what you want to process.
See page 271 in this chapter for details.

2. Set up the Filters to “find” the desired Events.
3. Select one of the Functions from the pop-up menu.



The Function pop-up. See the table below for details.
4. If you have selected “Quantize”, set the Quantize value as desired.

5. Click “Do it” to perform the function.
• You can make as many edits as you wish without leaving Logical Edit.
• Note that Events that do not pass through the filters remain intact, they are not affected in

any way by the operation.


Functions Function Quantize
Delete Extract Copy Description

The Events that pass through the filters are Over-Quantized to the Quantize value set with the Quantize Pop-up menu.
Quantizing non-note data, allows you to “thin out” for example Controllers or Pitch Bend.

This Function is only active if you selected Logical Edit from one of the other Edit windows: Key, Drum, List or Score. It simply selects the Events that pass through the filters for future processing directly in the editor, after you have exited Logical Edit.

The notes that pass through the filters simply get deleted.

This Function is only active if you selected Logical Edit from the Arrange window. It Cuts the Events that pass through the filters out of the Part(s), and then creates new Part(s) with the extracted Events only. These new Part(s) are put on a new Track and have the same start and end points as the original(s).

This Function is only active if you selected Logical Edit from the Arrange window. It works just as Extract, only it doesn't Cut the Events from the Part(s), it Copies them.