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Recording Filters

By Event Type

You might want to prevent some type of MIDI data from being recorded. If for example you have a master keyboard transmitting Poly Pressure, but no sound module set to react to it, recording the Poly Pressure data wastes precious memory space and might even clog up the MIDI data stream.

1. Pull down the Options menu and select “Filtering...” from the MIDI Setup submenu. The MIDI Filter dialog opens.


2. In the “Record” section, activate the check boxes for the MIDI data types you don’t want to record.


00408.jpgIn this example Poly Pressure and System Exclusive data will not be recorded.

By MIDI Channel

You might also want to filter out all Events that are coming in on a certain MIDI Channel. For example, if you are transmitting data from another sequencer, this will allow you to record only a selection of the MIDI Channels it is transmitting.

1. Open the MIDI Filter dialog.
2. In the “Channel” section, activate buttons for the MIDI Channels you don’t want to record.


00409.jpgIn this example, data coming in on MIDI Channels 9 and 16 will not get recorded. 3. Close the dialog box.


As explained above, you can filter out all Controller data. But Cubase VST offers more detailed filtering than just filtering a whole class of Events! If you need to you can filter out up to four user-specified Controllers.

1. Open the MIDI Filter dialog.
2. Make sure Controller messages are not filtered out altogether (see above).
3. Locate the Controller Filters.


As you can see, there are four of them.

4. To filter out one certain Control Change message set one of the four fields to that Controller number or name.
To turn off one of the four Filters, set it to “No Ctrl” (the lowest value).

00410.jpgIn this example, Expression pedal and Local Control On/Off messages will be filtered out.