Cubase vst- Getting into the Details by - HTML preview

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Overview of the Window

00429.jpgThe Audio Pool lists all the audio files in the Song. Please note that this means it shows the files for all Arrange windows that belong to the Song.


Each file is represented by a line, preceded by a triangle. For each file there are a number of settings and information, plus a waveform image on the right side. The files in the Audio Pool each represent an audio file on one of your hard disks that is (or has been) used in the Song.


Files are never used directly in the Song. Instead it is the “segments” that are played back from the Tracks.


For each file you have one or more segments. Segments are specifications for a section of a file. An introduction to the concept of segments can be found on page 34. Segments are mainly created when you record audio and when you edit in the Audio editor.