Cubase vst- Getting into the Details by - HTML preview

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Segment Operations

The Audio Pool allows you to create new segments, slightly or drastically different from those you already have in your Song, and drag and drop these in the Audio editor, the Wave editor or the Arrange window.

Auditioning a Segment

From the Beginning


To audition a segment from its beginning, press and hold the mouse button with the pointer over the speaker icon to the left of the segment name.


00439.jpgFrom any Position


To start playback from any position in the segment, click with the mouse pointer in the waveform to the right. Playback will start from the position you click on. 00440.jpg

Renaming a Segment

To rename a segment, proceed as follows:
1. Double click on the existing name or select the segment and press [Alt]-[N].
2. Enter a new name or edit the existing one.
3. Click outside the box or press [Return].

Duplicating Segments

To create a copy of a segment, proceed as follows:
1. Select the segment by clicking on it.

2. Select Duplicate Segment from the Do pop-up menu.


The new segment appears in the Audio Pool.

Changing Start and End Insets

You can change the Start and End points of the segment. This allows you to change what part of the audio file the segment plays (this can also be done in the Audio editor, see page 359).

P Please note that this change will affect all places in the song where this segment is used.
By Numerical Editing


You can adjust the Start and End Inset values by regular value editing. See page 325 for a description of the different time formats.


By Dragging


You can also drag the Start and End Inset directly in the waveform.

1. Position the pointer over the beginning or end of the segment.
If the segment currently plays the entire file, these two points are at the beginning and end of the waveform image.

2. Press the mouse button and drag left or right.
Moving the Segment


To move the segment within the file, without changing its length, proceed as follows:


1. Hold down [Ctrl].
2. Position the pointer over the segment and drag left or right.


An outline of the segment is shown while you are dragging.



Deleting segments

Deleting one or several segments from the Audio Pool

1. Select the segment(s).
Selecting more than one segment is done just as with any other object in Cubase VST, by clicking in combination with the [Shift] key.

2. Select Delete from the Edit menu or press [Delete] or [Backspace].
• This way you can only delete Audio Files from the Pool which are not used in any Part in the Arrange window (and which are greyed out in the Pool).
Deleting all Segments not used in the Song (Purge)


To automatically delete all segments that are currently not used in the Song, select Purge Segments from the Do pop-up menu.