Cubase vst- Getting into the Details by - HTML preview

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Deleting Events

Audio Events are deleted just as Parts in the Arrange window or Events in a MIDI Editor.


P Deleting an Event does not delete its Segment from the Audio Pool.
Using the Eraser to Delete Events


Clicking on an Event with the Eraser tool will delete it.


Using Keep to Delete Events


To delete all Events but the ones selected, proceed as follows:

1. Select the Events you want to keep.
As in the MIDI editors, the To pop-up menu determines which Events will be affected. If you want to be sure only those Events will be kept, that you have selected, the To pop-up menu should show “Selected”.

2. Select “Keep” from the pop-up Do menu.


All Events are deleted, except those indicated by the To pop-up menu and your selection.

Using the Menu or Keyboard to Delete Events
1. Select the Events.
2. Press [Delete] or [Backspace] or select Delete Events on the Edit menu.

Permanently deleting an Audio File


To delete an Event and its audio file from disk, hold down [Ctrl] and press [Backspace].


P This operation will permanently delete the referenced audio file from your hard disk, and cannot be undone.