Cubase vst- Getting into the Details by - HTML preview

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Reset Switch


By clicking the Reset button in any of the VST Channel Mixer windows, you can reset all VST parameters to their default settings. Default VST parameter settings are as follows:

• All VST Audio, Group and ReWire channel faders are set to 0dB, and all Solo and Mute settings are disabled.
• All VST Audio and ReWire channel Pan settings are reset to center position, or panned left and right for stereo Audio Tracks, Groups and ReWire stereo Mix buses.

• All Insert, Send and Master Effects are unloaded.
• All EQ parameters are reset and disabled.
• Channel Output routing to Groups or output buses will be reset to the Master Output.

P ReWire channel strip parameters (level, pan, etc.) will be reset, but the Active settings for ReWire channels will be unaffected by the Reset function.