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About Rulers and Positions


The Master Track editor has two rulers, one above and one below the Tempo Display. The upper ruler shows meter (bars, beats etc.). The lower ruler – which can be turned on/off using the Time button, see page 548 in this chapter – shows time in one of a number of formats. To select a time format for this ruler, use the pop-up Options menu.

The formats are made up as follows:

SMPTE/EBU hours:minutes:seconds:frames:subframes 1/1000 sec hours:minutes:seconds:thousands of seconds Frames frames
16mm Film feet’frames
35mm Film feet’frames:sprockets (4 sprockets per frame)

For SMPTE/EBU and Frames, the number of frames per second is set in the Synchronization dialog box, reached from the main Options menu. There are always 80 subframes to a frame, regardless of the frame rate.

The amount of detail shown on the ruler depends on how far you have zoomed in.