Cubase vst- Getting into the Details by - HTML preview

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Creating Accelerandi and Ritardandi

The Line tool in the Toolbox (see page 553) can be used to create continuous tempo changes, accelerandi and ritardandi (de-accelerandi). The Line tool is described in detail in the chapters describing the MIDI editors.

• To fit existing Events under the line (to create a ramp), position the mouse, press the mouse button and drag to create a line. Release the mouse.
• To create new Events, hold down [Alt] before pressing the mouse button. New Events that fit “under the line” are created, spaced according to the Snap value.

Please note that if you have the display switched to Time Base (see page 551) the ramp will appear “curved” since the meter scale is compacted/expanded. If this is confusing, switch over to meter base.