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Editing Hitpoints

Moving and Naming using the Info Line

Just as with Tempo Events and Time Signatures, Hitpoints can be edited one by one on the Info Line. Apart from moving them this way you can also give each Hitpoint a name. Just double click on the default name at the far right end of the Info line and type in a new one.

00652.jpgThe right end of the Info line shows the type of Hitpoint and its name.

Moving, Duplicating, Deleting etc.

Just as with Time Signatures and Tempo Events (and many other objects in Cubase VST) you can use the tools in the Toolbox and the computer keyboard to select move, duplicate, Cut, Copy, Paste and delete Hitpoints. This is all described in detail in the previous section.

Also, the Repeat function described on page 562 of course applies to Hitpoints too.


The Nudge tool in the Toolbox can be used to move one Hitpoint one Snap value to the left (or, if you hold down [Ctrl] and click, to the right).

P If – as a result of a nudge – a Hitpoint winds up on the same position as another one, you will only see one of them. You can always use the Master Track List editor to check for “double” Hitpoints.

Converting MIDI Notes to Hitpoints

If you have Copied or Cut notes or Control Change messages (for example sustain pedal) from a MIDI editor, and Paste them in the Master Track, they will appear as Time Hitpoints, starting at the Song Position.

Keep Linked and Keep Selected

These two functions on the Do pop-up menu can be used to conditionally delete Hitpoints.


•“Keep Linked” deletes all Hitpoints that are not linked (see below).


•“Keep Selected” deletes all Hitpoints that are not selected.


Meter Hits can be Quantized. This is probably most useful together with the Mirror & Link function as described on page 580. Combining these two functions allows you to for example easily insert small tempo changes to make some Hits perfect after using Match to find an adequate tempo.

1. Set a Quantize value using the Quant pop-up menu.

2. Select the Meter Hits you want to Quantize.
If you want to Quantize them all you use Select All, since no other Events than Meter Hits are affected by this operation).

3. Select Quantize Meter Hits from the Do pop-up menu. You can get audible feedback on the position of a Hitpoint. While this is probably most useful for Time Hits, it can be used on Meter Hits too.