Cubase vst- Getting into the Details by - HTML preview

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Cut At Locators

This command removes the area between the Locators (on all Tracks):
1. Set the Locators around the area you want to delete.

2. Select Cut At Locators from the Structure menu.
The area between the Locators is removed, and the Parts to the right of the Right Locator are moved to the left, to fill up the gap.

Any Parts that lie inside the Locator Positions....
...are shortened (cut).


00090.jpg00091.jpgP Muted Tracks are excluded from the operation, i.e. they are not Cut, but the Master Track is affected like any other Track. Insert at Locators is the opposite of Cut at Locators; an empty area is inserted between the Locator Positions (on all unmuted Tracks):