Cubase vst-Modules by - HTML preview

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Total Send

A Total Send is the opposite to Total Receive. In this case settings are read from disk and sent out to all the devices in the system.

If you have defined your own Total Recall "patches" (see page 90), a menu will appear allowing you to select one of these. Then you will be asked for a Global File to send out.

Only the Data Types (see page 169) that are actually in the file will be sent out, others will not be affected. An example would be the Yamaha SY-77: If the file contains no Tuning and Pan data, only Voices and Multis, the Voices and Multis in the SY-77 will be affected, but the Tuning and Pan settings will remain as they are.

You can stop the operation at any time by pressing the [Esc] key for a second (the current dump has to finish before the dump is aborted).


P It is adviced that you only use this function when Cubase is stopped.

Autoload with Song

When you load a Cubase Song with the Studio Module active, Cubase will look for a file with the same name as the song (in the same directory), but with the extension "MEM". If such a file can be found, Cubase will automatically suggest a total upload or allow you to load the names into memory (as with Global Open, see below).


If you have a smaller studio, it will probably be OK to do a Total Receive/Send for each Song. However, if you have many devices in your rig you might be better off only getting/sending those settings that you actually need. This is where the Recall settings in the Setup window comes in. By making up a few different such "patches" you can make sure you only get/send the data you actually need.