Cubase vst-the Included vst Instruments by - HTML preview

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Damper switch. Pick (slide left or right to change position).



Pick-up position (slide left or right to change position).

Volume knob.
Wave Morph knob.


The VB-1 is a virtual bass instrument built on realtime physical modelling principles. This has the following properties:


• VB-1 is polyphonic with up to 4 voices.
• VB-1 receives MIDI In Omni mode (on all MIDI channels).


You don’t need to select a MIDI channel to direct MIDI to the VB-1.

• VB-1 responds to the following MIDI messages:
MIDI Note On/Off (velocity governs volume).

Pan (remember to pan the two Instrument channels hard Left/Right if you want to use MIDI Pan messages).


Furthermore, all parameters can be automated as described in the Getting into the Details chapter “VST Instruments”.

VB-1 Parameters:

Parameter Volume

Pick position
Wave Morph

This regulates the VB-1 volume.
This switch controls the length of time the string vibrates after being plucked.

By dragging the “mic” left or right you can change the tone. Positioning it towards the bridge position produces a hollow sound that emphasises the upper harmonics of the plucked string. When placed towards the neck position, the tone is fuller and warmer.

This determines where along the length of the string the initial pluck is made. This controls the “roundness” of the tone, just like on a real guitar.

This knob selects the basic waveform that is used to drive the plucked string model. This parameter can drastically change the sound character. The control smoothly morphs through the waves. It is possible to create sounds that have no relation to a bass guitar with this control.