Cubase vst-the Interactive Phrase Synthesizer by - HTML preview

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The Functions pop-up menu

00003.jpgFunctions pop-up


On the Functions pop-up menu, you find a number of Functions and some settings that are valid for all Combis in both IPS A and B.


Load and Save All Combis

This allows you to save and load all 32 Combis to disk. The files have the extension “.CMB”. Saving and loading is done as with Arrangements, Setups or any other files in Cubase VST. If you want something to start with, there are several Combi files on one of your Cubase VST disks, in the IPS directory.

A ”.CMB” file contains all 32 Combis and all Phrases.

P Songs do not include Combis! Instead, if you save a Combi file called exactly “def.cmb” on the same level as Cubase VST (in the same directory) it will be automatically loaded when you start the program.

Load and Save Phrase Bank

You may also save the Phrases separately from the Combis. The Phrases are actually stored in two Banks of 16, but on the pop-up Phrase menu you have a list of all 32, first the 16 of Bank A and then the 16 of Bank B.

When you select Save Phrase Bank from the functions menu, a dialog box appears where you enter or select a file name as usual. When you click OK or press [Return] a new dialog box asks you if it is the first 16 Phrases (Bank A) or the last 16 (Bank B) that you want to Save.

When you select Load Phrase Bank from the Functions pop-up menu and select a file and click OK, a similar dialog box asks you if you want the file to replace the first 16 Phrases (Bank A) or the last 16 (Bank B).

These two functions in combination with “Copy Phrase to” (see below) make it possible to re-arrange Phrases in memory and on disk so that you can compile a Phrase Bank (or two) from existing Phrases.

Scale Info


This displays a dialog box that shows you which notes belong to the selected Scale and Key Signature selected in the Pitch Module.


Send Prg.change

In the Output Module of the IPS you can set a Program Change number that is sent out each time that Combi is selected from the Combi menu in the Global Module. The Send Prg.Change switch on the Functions pop-up menu is used to enable (tick) or disable (no tick) this function altogether.

P This function is not stored with the Combi file, it is stored with the Song.
Ext. Prg.change

This allows you to select Combis via MIDI. If this is turned on, and the IPS receives a Program Change number on any MIDI Channel it switches to another Combi. Make sure your current Combi is stored before you select another one via MIDI.

P This function is not stored with the Combi file, it is stored with the Song.
Copy Combi to


This allows you to Copy one Combi from one memory location to another, so that you can make variations on that Combi.

Select the Combi you want to Copy, from the Combi menu in the Global Module. Then select Copy Combi To from the Functions pop-up menu, and a dialog box appears where you can select the Combi that you want to replace, from a pop-up menu. Click OK or press [Return] and the Copying is done.

Delete Combi


This brings up a dialog box with two options. “Yes” deletes the selected Combi, and “No” aborts the operation.


Copy Phrase to


This is identical to “Copy Combi to”, but it Copies Phrases between the 32 memory locations.


Delete Phrase


This brings up a dialog box where you can delete the selected Phrase (Yes), or abort the operation (No).


Sync A-B

This allows you to “soft sync” the IPSes to each other. If this item is ticked, they will lock up rhythmically to each other after the first note. They will not necessarily start at the same time, you can decide the rhythmical offset between them, by starting them at different times (using two different key ranges for them).

Loop:LFO Reset

If this function is turned on (ticked) the LFOs always “start over” (begin their cycle as they do the first time a key is pressed) at the beginning of the Loop of the Phrase, regardless of which LFO Waveform you have chosen.

Wait for Play

When this is activated, the IPS does not start until you start Cubase VST. This allows you to hard sync the IPS to some previously recorded music. To use this function, make sure it is ticked on the Functions pop-up menu, press the keys you want to start with and then start playback of Cubase VST.

P This feature is intended primarily for recording the output of the IPS into Cubase VST. If you forget to turn it off, you will not be able to use the IPS without starting Cubase VST!
Erase All Data


This simply erases all Phrases and all Combis.



If this option is ticked, the MIDI Input to the IPS may come from M.ROS. This means that if you have a Track set to output to MROS in the Track list, this will be used as MIDI Input to the IPS. This allows you to automate the action of the IPS completely.