Eight Keys to Make Huge Money Online by Veneric P. Flores - HTML preview

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WOW!, you reach this chapter. I know that my words gives you an interest, so you continue to read it. Well, in this chapter you might learn something that will reflect the success in the future.

First thing, we need to do here is to define “What is Goal?”, According to Wikipedia, “ it is a desired result or possible outcome that a person or a system envisions, plans and commits to achieve”. As you know, goal is your expected result or outcome on everything you do.

Earning money online, you need to make a realistic goal here, so that you can measure yourself whether you achieve it or failed it. But not just setting a goal, but a realistic one, like if you want to earn just around $500 per month online.

Also, there are two types of goal that you need to set to earn those huge money online. This are short-term and long-term goals. Short-term goals can be set from a week up to a six-months. Short terms goal can be achieve in short period of time with little rewards to achieve.

On the other hand, long-term goals can be achieve from six-months up to couple of years. Also, long-term goals have more rewards than the short- term goals.  Also, it requires more time and effort to really achieve it. And a lot of patience, are needed here.

And now, we define first “What is a Plan?”, “a detailed formulation of a program of action” according to Merriam-Webster dictionary. This means, you need to make a plan if you want to earn money online, because it will be your basis on everyday work you made. Plan will help you can find new ways to achieve success online.

Setting a realistic plan, is like setting a blueprint of your success online and earn those huge money. You can measure your progress thru the planning you made. How your progress modes, is it according to your plan or you are behind the schedule you set in the plan.

The importance of Goal and Plan in earning huge money online

Before putting huge effort to earn money online, understand first the importance of goal and planning. You should set a goal, like how many months or years needed to see or achieve success online. This will help you focus every day to work hard and put a lot time on it. This will also help you work, even if you feel very tired and want to quit now.

Your question right now might be “Why I need to set a goal and plan?”. You may be confuse now, about the relation of goal and planning in earning huge money online.

This are the things to enlighten yourself:

1. Goal and Plan is your time table

Yes, it will be your time table on the site you’ve joined, whether you put a lot of effort and time to make a progress every day towards success. Every day you invest your effort and time in the site, will reward you a success in future because of the goal and plan you set in mind.

2. Goal and Plan will force you to work everyday

This so true, your mind now is being programmed to accomplish the goal whether it is a short-term or a long-term one, but according to the plan you make.

I’m pretty sure that you don’t want to fail, because it may result in to low esteem of yourself.

3. Goal and Plan stir you towards success than failure

If you have set a realistic goal and plan, you have a higher on chances to success than failing. If your goal, to earn $500 per month online and you set plan on how you achieve that, you will definitely have more success in achieving those $500 per month online.

Many successful people online, have set goal and plans so that, they could track their progress or path whether they’re nearing to success or nearing to a failure.

Remember, doing something without a goal or plan is just a waste of time. You are aiming at nothing, and the chances of failure is high. Whether, you set a long-term or short-term goal, you should make plan for it or steps to make your goal into reality.

(Author’s Additional Taught)

I know that, after you read this chapter, you set your goal and lay your plan for success (to earn huge money online). Set those realistic goal now, whether it may take you years, because in the end, only yourself can enjoy the reward.

See you on the next Chapter.