Eight Keys to Make Huge Money Online by Veneric P. Flores - HTML preview

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I notice that, you reach this chapter. You are now interested on what am I writing here. One thing I’m pretty sure, this chapter could be the difference between success and failure.


Did you know that Steve Jobs, it takes him many years to be successful in the computer industry? And his company (Apple), could be the biggest company in the world right now. Also, Bill Gates founder Microsoft, takes him years to become successful. Did you know, what they in common? Yes, they’re in common on effort.

Most successful people really tells us or you that put a lot of effort on what you are doing. Many of them, found an idea that will turn into success but those ideas will not become success if they are not doing anything or wait to ideas to become success. They put effort every day, every hour that they could give in to achieve to success.

As to earning money online, you will not earn huge money by just logging in everyday and doing nothing on the site you’ve choose. As to previous chapter I’ve mention, you need to read those basic information and understand the system that your site you’ve choose.

This is where those goal and plan, you made in the previous chapter put into work. Those goal and plan you set, needs to be put in action to earn those huge money you dreamed, because setting those goal and plan without making any action or putting an effort to make it happen, is just a complete waste of time.

Many online earners, will tell you that effort is key to success online. But, not just an effort, a lot effort really needed here, if you can work online for 3 hours or more, then do it. Why I’m telling you this?, because I’ve been there.

When I first joined an affiliate network, I just put an effort like, log in everyday and doing some task, that’s it. Then, after few months I realized that, my earnings did not even move or even go even higher. And you know, that the affiliate network I’ve joined have a lot of articles about success. So, I begin to read those for couple of minutes, then those minutes’ turns to hours but I did not even notice the time. After I read couple of articles, I began to change my strategy or change it, I try to make more effort on that affiliate network, because it has multiple ways to earn.

In the article provided by that affiliate network, they have one in common to tell, in everything you do, always put a lot of effort and time on it.

As early as possible, put a lot effort on the site you’ve joined, the early you put effort on it, the early you achieve success online.


Those big and well-known companies, I’ve mention above did not instantly become successful in just days or weeks, or even months, they took years to achieve success.

Together with effort, time is of the most important key to success. What I mean on this, you put time on the site you recently joined, because you need time in putting a lot effort.

Always allocate time every day, to work on the site you’ve joined and eventually you can achieve the success you dreamed.

Without allocating time, how can you put effort to work those goal and plan you’ve just set?

Success cannot be achieve without putting time every day, because you cannot put effort on it, these two keys are always being pair.

Effort + Time = Success

Doing nothing to achieve success, is just waiting for a crow turn to white. In the site, you’ve join they have a system that you can follow to earn huge money from them but, the system is just a guide, the real success lies on you putting an action every day.

Always remember, if you find similar book or e-book like this, I’m pretty sure it will mention effort and time on it. But, those e-books are just guides that you need follow, it’s really up to you whether to follow or not.

You are the one who is controlling the success and failure in your life. But, success needs to be work hard to achieve not just by watching tv, surfing the web and other lazy stuff.

(Author’s Additional Taught)

I know that, there is something or learning on this chapter, right? But interesting idea are not done yet.

See you on the next chapter.