Eight Keys to Make Huge Money Online by Veneric P. Flores - HTML preview

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You agree with me now?, If I tell you that you have really learned something in those previous five chapter, right?. Because you reach this chapter, and I know that interest keeps going up now.

Many successful people, did not achieve those success without facing any struggles or adversity on their life. Struggles in life, is always been part of yourself, me and other people. Struggles can be pain in our daily life, if not being dealt properly, it may result into insanity or into being broke.

People like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates and Warren Buffet faces many adversities in their life, but what they have in common?, they have persistence in their own self. These following people did not stop working, identifying those problems and finding solutions until those adversities are being fix.

And today, I know, you know that those people are could be or possibly the most successful people in the face of the earth.

In the previous chapter, you set your goal and plan right? And your goal is to earn huge money online. You lay your plan now and how you’re going achieve those goals. But sometimes, in our way of putting your plan in to action, you might have an unexpected things that you did not include on your plan.

Or your expected result on the action you made, is not according to your plan, this will now become a problem. Instead of, just stop on what you doing, here is the time where self can be tested on how you are going to deal this problem.

So ask a question on self “If those people can do it, why I can’t?”. That is a very powerful question, where you need to answer it by yourself. But not those on words only, let your action speaks louder than words.

Even if you cannot see any earnings at all for couple of months just continue to put an effort and time every day.

My Experience

As my mention earlier on this chapter, currently I’m engaging on an affiliate network site. For, about 3 months my earning did not even move or go up (like to reach $1). Like, I receive with just couple of cents as my commission every month. Doubt, set on myself, whether Is this affiliate network is real? or am I just wasting my time here?, those are the following questions in my mind back then. But I still search the forum about other ways to earn huge money in that affiliate network. After searching the forum, I began to search GOOGLE and read many article I could click. But, I noticed that those article I’ve been reading have one thing in common, they have a word “Persistence or be persistent”. Instead, of quitting I just continue to work, put time and effort every day. And this day, I’m currently earning some dollars but it’s not important how much, but important thing is I’m on my way to earn more money.

Persistence rewards Success

Persistence in yourself, is of the major keys to achieve those goals, to earn huge amount of money online. You can earn those huge money online, if you don’t stop working or putting a lot of effort every day of week, month and years.

This persistence, will make you different from the others, because many people today, if they face couple of struggles and adversities on their way, they will immediately be fall apart, and they will immediately fail.

Defeat struggles and adversities with your persistence, and in the future I’m 100% sure that you will rewarded with success or reach those goals (to earn huge money online).

(Author’s Additional Taught)

I know, that persistence have been missing in yourself in the past, but it’s not too late to have persistence yourself. It might be difficult but I know you can do it.

See you in the next chapter.