Eight Keys to Make Huge Money Online by Veneric P. Flores - HTML preview

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In chapter one, you found a legitimate site or companies online that you think that you can earn thru them. You check everything about the site and made your mind that this the right site for you. So, you sign up with them and confirmed the registration using your own email.

This is applicable for Affiliate Marketing, Network Marketing, and Pay to click sites

For the first time, you are now logging to the site. Upon entering the site, you are being overwhelmed by this a lot of drop downs and other information in the site. But, you need to do here first, is just calm yourself, because you might get confused easily and you may decide not continue.

Here are the things you need to do after logging in:

1. Look for a word “How to” or “Get Started”

As you navigate around the website, try to look for word “Basic” or “Get Started”, because it may contains all the information about the site, its fundamentals and other stuff regarding how to start.

Most legitimate sites have this “Get Started” page or article, where they summarize all the information about how to earn, what you need to do to earn and ways to earn. Get Started page is very crucial to your success, so you need to find it.

2. Read everything on “Get Started” page or article

Information plays a vital role to your success on the particular you’ve joined for. But, you can’t acquire information by doing nothing, by just scanning the whole website. You need to read here, because reading can gives you knowledge or you can learn from what you have been reading.

Read everything on “Get Started” page or article, can gives you a lot of information about the site, how you can earn those huge money you dreamed. Don’t read the first part only, or the second part only, you must read everything, if there is chapters on it, read every chapters on it. Don’t skip any chapters from reading because you might miss a one very important information to your success.

3. Read everything about sites “Compensation Plan” or “How it works” page

Compensation Plan page provides an information about how their members can earn huge money and what are the ways to earn (If multiple ways) on this particular site. This will show also, that this particular sites are legitimate because they provide, how they going their members.

Compensation Plan page maybe long and confusing to read, but you need to read this because it will surely provide you an idea on how to can make money from this particular site you recently joined. Just read it slowly, don’t skip on any information that you feel boring.

4. Visit the sites FORUM

Forum are one of the best to go when, you’ve just recently log in on the site, and you can there many tips, questions and guides about the site. Also, many members are in the forum, reading some post and waiting to help other members of the site.

If, you are in the forum, find some useful post, tips or guides that definitely you can learn from it. Many long-time members post their own guides or tips, so that they can help others to achieve success.

Try to post on the forum that you need a help about the site, and I’m pretty sure that in just couple of minutes or hours, someone will definitely reply on your recent post to help you around the site.

5. Scan the site, if you can find useful articles

Most sites, put useful articles about success or way to achieve success in a different page. This may result in to confusion but try to find it, it may have the vital information in it that will definitely help you to achieve success on the particular site.

This articles may be written by the founder or other people, which they achieve success thru it. So, they share it to their members so that their members also achieve success.

Here the five steps you need to do after logging in to the sites. Just remember, reading always plays a vital role to your success. Legitimate sites, provides an information needed to achieve on their sites. The members need to do is to read those information and put it in action.

For people who self-publish and freelancing only

But those five steps are not applicable if you’re just publishing an ebook to Amazon Kindle or you’re just doing any freelancing in the internet.

Also, in self-publishing be aware that where ever you publish your ebook, the formatting varies to different publishing site, so format your ebook according to your chosen publishing website.

For freelancers, always read about portfolio, because you need it, special when you are just recently sign up. Most employers, hire freelancers who have built portfolio in them or have experience. You may have difficulty in the finding an employers that don’t need any experience at all.

Authors Additional Taught

I’m pretty sure that this chapter enlightens yourself on something, even it not related online. And you find yourself pondering on this chapter, or tell that I’m right on something.

See you in the next chapter.