Facebook Domination: The Secret Strategy for Unlimited Free Traffic by James Funicello - HTML preview

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Adding a Call to Action

Facebook has removed the call to action functionality from free videos but you can still add a link in your copy. You need to add a call to action to all of your videos so that you drive up engagement and get as much free traffic to your website as you can.

Here are the most popular free ways to add a call to action to your Facebook videos:

• In your post copy

• In the video itself

• At the end of the video

You can add a link to your website in your post copy. Tell the users that they can find out more on your site by clicking on the link. Also tell them that you would be delighted if they asked questions in the comment section.

When you are making your video you can add a call to action by talking about it and also in caption form (remember that not all users will have the sound on). Do this in the middle of the video for the best results.

We recommend that you have an image at the end of the video that echoes the call to action during the video and in the post copy. Let this image play out for a few seconds so that the viewer gets the message.

Check the Performance of your Videos

It’s always a good thing to use Facebook Insights to see how well (or not) your videos are performing.

You can see important metrics here such as:

• Video views

• Average watch time

• Minutes viewed

These metrics provide an indication of the engagement levels of your videos. The average watch time is important as it will tell you when people stopped watching your video. You may find that after digging into this that a lot of users stopped watching at roughly the same time. Check out this point of the video to understand why.

Look at the post engagement metrics for your videos. You can see at a glance the numbers of users reached, clicks, likes, shares and so on. This will give you very good insight on which videos are getting the most engagement.