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Your Deck Building Guide

Brought to you by Adam West from

All people who spend grueling hours at work every single day would naturally want to look

forward to coming home to a safe and restful haven. What can be more invigorating than

enjoying the breathtaking view of the world in the comforting solace of your backyard? This can

be easily accomplished by building a deck to effectively extend your home space and provide a

wonderful of enjoying the fruits of your labor. In fact, with an increasing number of people who

are valiantly coping with stress, a deck or a patio design is definitely one of the refreshing ways

to rejuvenate the senses.

It is quite interesting to know that the fad of building a deck in American homes is actually

considered as a relatively new phenomenon, as it has only been made popular over the past 40

- 50 years. It is primarily considered as an extended space for entertaining guests and a place

to gather people and socialize over sumptuous fares. The most common problem that many

residential owners encounter in building a deck is the design clash with the house structure and

the additional deck. Since it is prominently constructed, it can create a big impact in the overall

look and appeal of the home. Creating and building a deck that will best complement your home

can be a little tricky and would often require professional help. This can be achieved by

incorporating the original design concepts of the home to make sure it will blend quite well with

the rest of the building structure.

The choice of materials is yet another bone of contention in building a deck. Redwood is among

the top favorites of homeowners since it offers exceptional aesthetic value as well as provides

great performance. Since decks are more exposed to the outdoor weather, it is critically

important to choose materials that can easily withstand extreme weather conditions. Luckily,

there are more than a handful of choices available today such as vinyl, aluminum, wood and

glass railing combinations. Your flooring options should have waterproof features and a more

convenient maintenance care.

Carefully consider the existing architectural design of your home and if you have adapted any

architectural influences make sure it is also reflected in the design of your deck. With careful

consideration and meticulous planning, you can definitely look forward to enjoying a more

relaxing and comfortable home atmosphere at the end of the day.


Important Factors To Consider in Building Decks

For many homeowners, extending the living space is one of the best ways to enjoy the beauty

of the outdoors and at the same take advantage of an extra space for entertaining friends and

family members. Decks are among the popular choices these days, as it effectively gives the

home exterior a more interesting and welcoming dimension, and allow homeowners to simply

laze around and spend the day in comfortable leisure, especially during spring and summer


However, before you make plans on building decks, there are a handful of considerations that

you need to carefully take into account.

To help you in making the necessary decisions, there are the important factors in building


Location – ask yourself, where should your decks be constructed? One common characteristic

of a sound is when the design is stylishly blended with the rest of the backyard environment, all

without being overly visible and obtrusive. If you are lucky enough to have a wonderful view in

your yard, then make sure to take advantage of this and showcase its beauty through the

strategic placement of your decks. If you have some privacy issues with your neighbors, or want

to avoid the traffic noise, then make sure to take all these factors in consideration of your

location to eliminate possible problems in the future.

Construction – another important aspect that you need to deliberate on is to whether to have

the deck directly connected to your home or not. To help you decide, you need to consider the

possible amount of traffic in the said area. This is especially critical when decks are directly

connected with the living, as people who walk in an out may disrupt people in the living room, or

soil the flooring systems. Some people prefer connecting decks to the kitchen for easier access

and enhanced convenience. You can also consider making two connecting doors that will lead

to different rooms in the house for a more efficient solution in managing house traffic.

Usage - ask yourself what is the primary reason for building a deck. If you have a rather limited

space or if are not really fond of throwing large parties, then a smaller sized deck would be a

more practical option for you. Build a deck that would best suit your needs, in consideration to

the size of your family, house dimension, as well as the land area of your property.

So now that you know the important elements to consider in building decks, you can now go

ahead and make all the necessary plans in stylishly extending your living space.