The EQ and Compression Formula : Learn the Step by Step way to Use EQ and COmpression Together by Nathan Nyquist - HTML preview

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Frequency Sweeping is similar to Slingshotting, only whereas Slingshotting is meant to give you a result quickly and definitively; frequency sweeping is more surgical and precise and as a result it’s more focused and time consuming.

Because it’s more surgical and precise, frequency sweeping involves a very narrow Q with around + or – 10db of gain.

By using a very narrow Q you’re able to microscopically zoom in to the specific points of the sound where you might be hearing a ringing or pinging, something which typically sticks out and annoys you.

It’s easier to find the offending frequency on EQ’s which have a built-in spectrum analyzer since the offending frequency will tend to poke out like a sore thumb from the rest of the frequency spectrum.