Using Cubase vst/32 with DSP Factory by Steinberg - HTML preview

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Multi-Track Recording

P In this section we assume that you have at least one additional input/output unit installed, and that you are recording mono signals from several different inputs at the same time, while monitoring through the analog or digital outputs on the card.

1. In Cubase VST, pull down the Options menu and activate Multirecord in Merge mode. The “R” column appears in the Track List.

2. Make sure that the Tracks you want to record on all have different Inputs selected.
3. Click in the “R” column for the Tracks you want to record on.

4. In the DSP Factory Input Console window, use the Input pop-up menus (in the Lower display in Aux or Bus Assign mode) to select the physical inputs you want to record from. There is a fixed relation between the inputs and the DS channels - see page 29 for a listing of the channels and their corresponding physical inputs.

5. Check and adjust the input level for each used channel, as in the previous examples.

6. Select the Bus Send mode for the input channels’ Upper displays, and make sure the Post Pan switches are deactivated and the send levels are fully turned up. In this example, we assume you are recording several separate mono signals. Therefore the Post Pan switches should be turned off, so that the panning doesn’t affect the level of the recorded signals.
You could also record several stereo signals, or a mix of mono and stereo signals. In those cases, you would want to use two buses for each stereo channel pair, activate the Post Pan switches for these buses, and use the pan controls to direct the channel signals to odd/even buses.

7. Activate one Bus Send for each input channel, so that they are routed to different Cubase VST Inputs.


P Make sure these Bus Sends are deactivated for all other DS Channels, to avoid leakage or re-recording background Tracks!

8. Rehearse the recording and adjust the sound (using Dynamics and/or EQ). Use the Bus/Aux Console window to check the recording levels - they should be as high as possible without reaching 0dB.

9. Activate recording in Cubase VST. Your actions in the DSP Factory windows can be automated in the same straightforward way as in the Cubase VST Channel Mixer: