Using Cubase vst/32 with DSP Factory by Steinberg - HTML preview

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Mixing down to a Stereo Output

Once you have finished a piece of music, you may want to mix it down to an external two track recorder (DAT, MD, tape, etc). This example describes how to mix down sixteen separate VST audio channels to stereo, adding the on-board effects, one external effect unit and the stereo output of a MIDI instrument. The external two track recorder is connected to the digital stereo output on the DS2416 with the analog output used for monitoring.

P To be able to add external effects, you need to have at least one additional i/o unit connected (this example assumes that you have one 4 in/4 out unit).


MIDI MIDI Instrument
16 channels
DSP Factory mixer
To 2-trk and monitoring.
Ext. FX


1. Connect your equipment in the following way:

The digital outs on the DS2416
The analog outs on the DS2416
Output 4 on the additional i/o unit The stereo outs on the external effect The stereo outs on the MIDI instrument

The digital ins on the two track recorder. Your monitoring system.
The input on the external effect unit. Inputs 3 and 4 on the additional i/o unit. The analog inputs on the DS2416.

You also need to have a working MIDI connection from the computer to your MIDI instrument.

2. In Cubase VST, set up the audio channels so that they are routed to separate Output Buses, and pan them fully left/right.
This panning is only done to separate the channels, by directing them to separate sides of the stereo Output Buses. The actual panning for the stereo mix is done in the DSP Factory Input Console window.

3. In the Input Console window, make sure that DS channels 1 to 16 have the “VST” input option selected.
Now the sixteen audio channels from Cubase VST will appear on DS channel 1 to 16.

4. Activate the stereo link for DS channels 17 and 18, and use the Input pop-up menu to select the analog inputs (A In L/R) for these channels.
The sound of the MIDI instrument is now routed to these channels.

5. Activate the stereo link for DS channels 19 and 20, and use the Input pop-up menu to select the inputs “IOA1-3/4” for these channels.
These channels will now serve as effect returns for the external effect.

P Make sure that Aux Send 4 is deactivated for channels 19 and 20, to avoid feedback!
6. Open the Output Patchbay window and make sure the signals are routed in the following way:

Output Bus/Aux Send Pair Comment
IOA3/4 Aux 3/4 External effect send (only output 4 is used). Analog Stereo Monitoring.
S/P DIF Stereo Two track recorder.

7. Check that your audio channels play back as desired and adjust EQ/Dynamics if necessary.
You may already have created a complete automated mix, in which case everything should be playing back just the way you want it.

8. Make sure the input signals from the MIDI Instrument are as loud as possible (without clipping), to avoid unnecessary noise.

9. Set up the effect sends for the desired DS channels.
Aux Send 4 is routed to the external effect and Aux Sends 5 and 6 are routed to the on-board FX units. Again, make sure that Aux Send 4 is deactivated for channels 19 and 20 to avoid feedback!

10.Make effect settings for the internal and external effects, and adjust the effect return channels.
11.Put your two track recorder in “Record-stand by” mode or similar, so that you can check the input levels.

P A word of caution: Most digital recorders automatically switch to the correct sample rate when recording, but there may be cases when you need to adjust this manually. Make sure the recorder records at the sample rate used by the DS2416 card - consult the manual for the two track recorder if necessary.

12.Play back the music and adjust the input level on the two track recorder with the Stereo Mix fader.
It should be as high as possible, without ever clipping. If you need to amplify the signal, use the Attenuator control in the Channel Overview for the Stereo Mix.

P In this setup, the Stereo Mix fader will also govern the monitoring volume. If this is a problem, you could consider connecting your monitoring equipment to outputs 1 and 2 on the i/o unit instead, and use Buses for monitoring. However, you should make sure that all channels have these Buses fully turned up and set to Post Pan mode (to hear exactly the same as what you record).

13.Perform the mixdown.