A Field Guide to Freelancer Finances by FreeAgent - HTML preview

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Working as a freelancer means that along with doing the work you love, you also need to explore unfamiliar territory, like balancing the books and dealing with tax. When I started out as a freelancer, I found myself fighting with complicated spreadsheets and confusing tax returns - it was easily the worst part of working for myself. I thought there had to be a better way, so my co-founders Olly, Roan and I set out to build FreeAgent, software that helps you manage your business finances and tax.


Here at FreeAgent, we want to help freelancers take control of their business finances. Making great software is key to that, but we like to help in other ways too - that’s why we wrote this guide.


In this guide you’ll find practical tips and advice for managing your finances, reference guides and real life stories from other freelancers about what they’ve learned from their own journeys.


Safe travels!




Ed Molyneux

CEO and co-founder, FreeAgent