E-Commerce Web Design - The Do's and Don'ts for Successful E-Commerce Web Design
Besides aesthetic appeal of any web site, it is the character of the site that also matters. When it comes to web designing the sites, the webmasters need to concentrate on the nature of the site and for which purpose it is going to be launched.
Incase of e-commerce web sites, extra considerations are to be made. The e-commerce sites are those sites that deal with monetary transactions. These sites carry on the sales for the company or particular brands. The e-commerce sites give priority to ‘conversion’. The conversion of visitors to e-commerce sites to online buyers depends on how the visitors feel about the sites. Besides textual content, the visual appeal attracts the visitors. Thus while designing any web site; especially the e-commerce ones certain things are to be kept in mind.
There are some do's and don'ts for successful e-commerce web design. Following some of the basic ones the web design for an e-commerce site is bound to be successful.
First let’s know about the dos for an e-commerce web design:
There are a number of things that are better not being practiced while designing an e-commerce site. Some of the don’ts of e-commerce web design are as follows:
• On an e-commerce site, it is advisable not to ask the visitors to download any software to view any particular product(s). The viewers can seek another site where they do not have to face any time consuming or round-about process.
• Use of Flash intros is to be avoided while designing web pages for any e-commerce site. The visitors can leave without even browsing through the pages of the sites that have Flash intros.
• Use of frames for e-commerce web design is also to be avoided. The viewers of the sites do not find themselves very comfortable with the use of frames.
For easy navigation through the pages of an e-commerce site, large images are better being avoided. They take up a lot of time to load the web pages and often block links on the pages creating inconvenience to the users.