Nodejs with KOA2 by Amin B Nagpure - HTML preview

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Why should you learn nodejs with koa


Nodejs is cool, websites are fast and real-time, even though you can create websites with nodejs and express, but coding is little painful, so many call backs, it’s like call back jungle, even though express framework now has generator function, but it is good to use framework which is futuristic, koa is futuristic.

Future is micro services, and they are extremely easy to code in nodejs, bulk of examples and sample code will be available of nodejs, micro services are mostly event driven, nodejs is also event driven.

Nodejs and python are the important languages to learn, lot of work is going on these two languages, you will get lot of source code for free, and you just need to know how to use it.

Iam mvc C# developer, but I learned python and nodejs, since I am also learning machine learning, lot of example code for machine learning is in python and nodejs.

I also learned math’s to be able to code for machine learning and artificial intelligence, artificial intelligence will be the future, so be prepare for it.

Microsoft is lagging way behind; open source community is thriving right now.