Who Looks for HostingTips? by Lee Creek - HTML preview

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• The reseller purchases the host's services wholesale and then sells them to his

customers for a profit - often without letting his customers know that he's selling someone else's services. (This is sometimes referred to as reselling under a 'private label' - the reseller uses their own company's name rather than that of the hosting provider).

Shared Versus Dedicated Servers A reseller also has the choice of whether to resell shared hosting services or to rent a dedicated server. Shared servers are less costly to rent than dedicated servers. They usually require a lower level of technical skills too, because most of server administration is done by the host. This is why shared servers are usually the best choice for entry-level web-sites or for small businesses whose web-sites do not have high traffic levels. If you plan to resell to such businesses, then you should probably be looking at reselling shared server space. As for dedicated servers, you will need more technical skills to run a dedicated server and the initial cost of rental will be higher. However, dedicated servers can offer the reseller a couple of important advantages over shared hosting arrangements: