World Textbooks Books
A History of China
A book on the history of China covering the following periods: Prehistoric China, Shang Dynasty, Chou Dynasty, the dissolution of the feudal system, Ch'in Dynasty, Han Dynasty, epoch of the first division of China
US History since 1877
A great reference on US history covering topics on the progressive era, world war 1, world war 2,
Derived copy of Arts and Culture
Arts and culture for Grade 9 students. The resource contains teaching guides on topics such as packaging, popular music culture, soap opera, puppet show among other things.
Understanding Material Culture: Deciphering the Imagery of the "Souvenir of Egypt"
This course explores how to study material culture and political history through a series of research questions centered on the Souvenir of Egypt, a decorative silk from the nineteenth century.
Outline of American Literature
The Outline of American Literature traces the paths of American narrative, fiction, poetry and drama as they move from pre-colonial times into the present, through such literary movements as romanticism, realism and experimentation.
The Leading Facts of English History
A teachers handbook about English history containing the history of Britain before written history, geography of England in the historical context, Roman Britain, Coming of the Saxons up to the period were England gained India.
Early European History
This book aims to furnish a concise and connected account of human progress during ancient, medieval, and early modern times.