5 Steps to Online Dating Success by Lekier VIII - HTML preview

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The Vagueness Pitfall

At the same time what ever you put down about yourself must not be confusing. It just does not work to put down a statement like, “while I am not real y given to sports, nor am I considered to be an outdoor person, I have developed a passing interest in watching footbal , and have had my stints with Terra firma.

Phew! If, anything drives people away, statements like this certainly do. For Heaven’s sake avoid phrases like “I am different, ” especial y when you are talking about your appearance. The other person wil in al likelihood conjure up images of a three horned monster or a lion tailed monkey.

Another example is when you use phrases like, “I don’t play by the rules, ” or “I am game for something new. ” These expressions can be hopelessly misleading and it is the easiest thing in the world to add a sexual innuendo to such an expression and that would be a sure shot method of biting off more than you can chew.

Now that we have discussed the major pitfal s, let us go the real profile. The reason I said real profile is that the profile must indeed reflect the person you are.

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