How to Lose Weight with the Right Food! by julien cendre - HTML preview

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Dealing With Water On A Low Calorie Diet

One of the most difficult things for people to take into consideration when it comes to their low calorie diet is that they should be drinking water. Why water? Why can’t you drink whatever you want? There is one big reason for this on this type of diet. Any type of drink, other than plain old water, has calories. These hidden calories are the worst way for you to waste your calories for the day. Consider this. Would you rather eat a few more vegetables or fill up on a few more ounces of chicken or would you like to drink a can of soda? When you can effectively learn to give up and drink water, you save yourself precious calories to use elsewhere in your diet.

Calories are not easy to come by when you are dieting. You really need to cut them out wherever you can, and that includes in the beverage that you drink. A can of soda can have any place from 50 calories well up into the 150 to 200+ range. But, another thing to consider is just what you get for those calories. You don’t get a full sensation in your stomach so you are still heavy. You don’t get much taste as it is usually gone within a few minutes. And, you get caffeine, sugars, and even fats that you just don’t need.

To make water a more tasty choice, add some spice into it. A simple yet effective way to do this is to just add some lemon or lime into the water. You should be consuming about 2 quarts of water per day. If you aren’t sure just how many you are getting, each morning fill a jug in the refrigerator with two quarts. If you don’t finish it, you haven’t gotten your water for the day. By the time you have learned to replace your drinks with water, you will have saved yourself countless calories.