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Can Alli Help You Lose Weight?

Can alli really help you lose weight? One can safely say yes; however, the more truthful way to put it would be, "yes, but the alli story has another side to it."

Orlistat, also known as Xenical, is what is commonly known as alli. If you want to enquire about it at a medical store, pronounce it as "ally," not "alley."

Alli functions by blocking fat. It prevents the absorption of fat within the body. It is one of the freely available, FDA-approved weight loss pills available in the market.

Don't be under the misconception that you can eat a high-fat diet and then swallow alli to prevent your body from absorbing all that fat. Alli won't work the way you want it to. Alli should be used only when prescribed by a doctor, and even then, only with a low-fat diet.

Advantages of Alli

According to a study, about 35.5-54.8 percent of the subjects lost five percent or slightly more than five percent body weight. However, whether this weight loss was due to loss of fat or some other component of the body cannot be clearly said. About 16.4-24.8 percent of the subjects attained a ten percent or slightly more than ten percent decrease in body weight. After they stopped taking alli, the participants of this study, regained a third of the weight they had lost; however, this is common with all dieters.

The weight-loss caused by alli varies from individual to individual. The effects of alli, when taken with a low-fat, low-calorie diet, are greater. Taking alli also reduces the risk of contracting type 2 diabetes.

Disadvantages of Alli

The following warning can be found on the website of the manufacturers of alli: "You many feel an urgent desire to visit the bathroom. Until your body becomes adjusted to the effects of alli, wear dark pants at work or carry a change of clothing." If you want to take alli even after reading that warning, you should be really desperate to lose weight.

Despite its benefits, taking alli is not without disadvantages. You could end up with bowel and digestive problems. Taking a high-fat diet along with alli increases the intensity of these side effects because the body tries to expel all that undigested fats. The results could be loose stools, bowel incontinence, and flatulence, and these side effects will be more intense during the early phases of the treatment when your body is trying to get used to the effects of the drug.

The side effects of taking alli will be fewer if you adopt a low-fat diet. As hinted by the manufacturers of alli, the side effects of the drug could also motivate you to stick to your low-fat diet.

Alli Is Not Magic

While taking alli, remember that it isn't a magic weight-loss pill. It won't work on its own. It works only if you put in a lot of effort to lose weight.

Taking alli is believed to help you lose fifty percent more weight than you would lose without it. For example, taking alli will help you lose 15 pounds while if you follow you diet and exercise regime without taking alli, you will lose only 10 pounds. It, therefore, helps you lose more weight than you would lose without taking it. It is important to note that the effects of taking alli varies from individual to individual.

Unfortunately, magic weight-loss pills that will make you slim in your sleep are just not available. Alli is just a weight-loss pill that has had results. If you want to lose weight, and have been unsuccessful with a variety of diets, you could talk to your doctor about whether taking alli might not be a good idea in your case.