How to Lose Weight with the Right Food! by julien cendre - HTML preview

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Eating Healthy When Eating Out

If you are watching your weight, you have to be careful about your calorie intake, especially when you go to a restaurant. Here are tips on how to watch your calories when you are eating at a restaurant.

Order sauces and dressings separately so that you can control the quantity that goes into your meals.

Request that the grilled vegetables or fish that you have ordered be prepared with no oil or butter or very little of it.

Ensure that you get a tomato-based sauce instead of a cream-based sauce whenever you order pastas. Tomato sauces don't contain as many calories as cream sauces do, and moreover, you could consider tomato sauce as a vegetable.

Don't take alcoholic beverages or soda. Instead order diet soda, water, or tea.

Share your dessert with a friend. This way you can reduce the amount of calories you take by half.

Take care that you don't order a cream-based soup, because the number of calories in such soups is higher. Soups are great appetizers and have low calorie counts. Moreover, they fill you up quickly.

If you have ordered baked potato, request salsa instead of bacon, sour cream, cheese, or butter. Salsa has a low calorie count. Moreover, it is a healthy food with a wonderful spicy flavor.

Don't continue eating even when you have had enough. Cultivate the habit of listening to your body.

If you feel full in between your meal, pack up whatever remains. You can eat the rest of it when you feel hungry later. In this way, you can enjoy two meals at the price of a single meal.

If you wish to eat less, order a salad and an appetizer or a couple of appetizers as your meal.

Instead of ordering French fries as a side dish, order a baked potato or steamed vegetables.

Order only those foods that are baked, poached, broiled, or steamed. These methods of cooking do not use a lot of oil and, therefore, have low calorie counts.

Plain rolls or bread are low in both calories and fat content. You add both calories and fat to it when you smear it with butter or oil.

Order dishes that are rich in vegetables and fruits because they are good sources of fiber, minerals, and vitamins.

Order whole-grain meals, such as brown rice or whole wheat bread.

If you must have a dessert, order something that comprises less fat, such as fruit or berries.

While you count calories, don't punish yourself by not taking the food that you really love. A balanced diet does not exclude any type of food.