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Chapter 5:

Wear The Right Clothes



It’s a huge deal that your clothes affect or influence other people. However what about selecting the correct clothes so that they best affect you?



The Right Stuff

A lately published study by 2 educatees supplies insights into how to get the correct mentality by selecting the correct clothes. They produced the term “enclothed cognition” to distinguish a procedure that impacts your mentality based on the symbolic meaning and the tangible experience of wearing your clothes.

They did a series of experimentations to test their hypothesis, by utilizing a lab coat. In one trial, players wearing a lab coat were seen to have a sense of enhanced regard.

A 2nd trial had players wearing the same laboratory coat, which was identified as it being a physician’s coat. In the 3rd trial, participants were told that the coat was a coat for a painter.

Those wearing the physicians coat demonstrated a higher level of maintained attention as likened to those thought to be donning a painter’s coat.

So, one takeaway from this experimentation is that if your mends are wearing doctor’s coats, they're more probable to be more thoughtful, and even more careful.

Most of us don’t don lab coats, or any coat for that matter. How may this experimentation help you to get the correct mindset by selecting the correct clothes?

One common denominator for nearly everybody I know is denim. Let’s look at an illustration that you'll easily relate to.

One of my customers, a successful enterpriser, told me just last week how he's in jeans 7 days a week now. He outwears jeans for business meetings, to church service, and everyplace in between.

However he requires a particular sort of denim jean to wear when he works on his auto or while doing yard work. He wouldn’t wear those jeans to lounge around in the home.

So those jeans have to have a dissimilar look and feel so he may wear them in an unstrained way. Then, for business meetings and for church service, another level of jeans would be more suitable.

If you required clothes to wear for similar conditions in your own life, and if wearing jeans was to be central to your every day wardrobe, every different sort of denim would help you to be in the correct mentality.

If my customer is wearing the sort of jeans to work on the auto or in the yard, he may feel like he may get into his work and may get those jeans as filthy as necessary. He wouldn’t wear them to loaf around in the home or to business meetings as they might be soiled from that work.

Even if the auto and yard denims were clean, he’d know that those are purely for doing harder work. That’s why it’s crucial to his mentality to have another selection of denim for those meetings and for church service. More than being disrespectful to other people to look like he just crept out from under his auto, wearing those grimy jeans would very likely impact his thinking and behavior at a business meeting or at church service.

Here’s my hint: When viewing the clothes in your closet, stop and think about how picking out the correct clothes will help you acquire the correct mentality first, then decide what you’re going to wear, and how come you’re going to wear it.

Your clothes don’t just wire messages to other people. You select one item over another because of your mission for that day. Making favorable wardrobe selections prove that selecting the correct clothes influences your energy state and your thinking.
