Outline of American Literature by Kathryn Vanspanckeren - HTML preview

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lupus, a blood disease. Still, she




refused sentimentality, as is evi-

lege, he studied anthropology and

dent in her extremely humorous

sociology, which greatly influenced

yet bleak and uncompromising sto-

his writing. He once expressed a


profound debt to Theodore Dreiser

Unlike Katherine Anne Porter,

for his openness to a wide range of

Eudora Welty, and Zora Neale

experience and his emotional

Hurston, O’Connor most often held

engagement with it. Highly respect-

her characters at arm’s length,

ed, Bellow received the Nobel Prize

revealing their inadequacy and silli-

for Literature in 1976.

ness. The uneducated southern

Bellow’s early, somewhat grim

characters who people her novels

existentialist novels include

often create violence through

Dangling Man (1944), a Kafkaesque

superstition or religion, as we see

study of a man waiting to be drafted

in her novel Wise Blood (1952),

into the army, and The Victim

about a religious fanatic who estab-

(1947), about relations between

lishes his own church.

Jews and Gentiles. In the 1950s, his

ometimes violence arises out

vision became more comic: He

of prejudice, as in “The

used a series of energetic and

SDisplaced Person” (1955),

adventurous first-person narrators

about an immigrant killed by igno-

in The Adventures of Augie March

rant country people who are threat-

(1953) — the study of a Huck Finn-

ened by his hard work and strange

like urban entrepreneur who

ways. Often, cruel events simply

becomes a black marketeer in

happen to the characters, as in

Europe — and in Henderson the

“Good Country People” (1955), the

Rain King (1959), a brilliant and

story of a girl seduced by a man who

exuberant serio-comic novel about

steals her artificial leg.

a middle-aged millionaire whose

The black humor of O’Connor

unsatisfied ambitions drive him to

links her with Nathanael West and


Joseph Heller. Her works include

Bellow’s later works include


short story collections A Good

Herzog (1964), about the troubled

Man Is Hard To Find (1955), and

life of a neurotic English professor

Everything That Rises Must

who specializes in the idea of the

Converge (1965); the novel The

romantic self; Mr. Sammler’s Planet

Violent Bear It Away (1960); and a

(1970); Humboldt’s Gift (1975); and

volume of letters, The Habit of

the autobiographical The Dean’s

Being (1979). The Complete Stories

December (1982).

came out in 1971.

In the late 1980s, Bellow wrote

two novellas in which elderly pro-

Saul Bellow (1915-2005)

tagonists search for ultimate veri-

Born in Canada and raised in

ties, Something To Remember Me

Chicago, Saul Bellow was of

By (1991) and The Actual (1997).

Russian-Jewish background. In col-

Photo © Nancy Crampton

His novel Ravelstein (2000) is a



veiled account of the life of

stories in collections such as The

Bellow’s friend Alan Bloom, the

Magic Barrel (1958), Idiots First

best-selling author of The Closing

(1963), and Rembrandt’s Hat

of the American Mind (1987), a

(1973), he conveyed — more than

conservative attack on the academy

any other American-born writer —

for a perceived erosion of stan-

a sense of the Jewish present and

dards in American cultural life.

past, the real and the surreal, fact

Bellow’s Seize the Day (1956) is

and legend.

a brilliant novella centered on a

Malamud’s monumental work —

failed businessman, Tommy

for which he was awarded the

Wilhelm, who is so consumed by

Pulitzer Prize and National Book

feelings of inadequacy that he

Award — is The Fixer. Set in Russia

becomes totally inadequate — a

around the turn of the 20th century,

failure with women, jobs,

it is a thinly veiled look at an actual

machines, and the commodities

case of blood libel — the infamous

market, where he loses all his

1913 trial of Mendel Beiliss, a dark,

money. Wilhelm is an example of

anti-Semitic blotch on modern his-

the schlemiel of Jewish folklore —

tory. As in many of his writings,

one to whom unlucky things

Malamud underscores the suffering

inevitably happen.

of his hero, Yakob Bok, and the

struggle against all odds to endure.

Bernard Malamud


Isaac Bashevis Singer

Bernard Malamud was born in


New York City to Russian-Jewish

Nobel Prize-winning novelist and

immigrant parents. In his second

short story master Isaac Bashevis

novel, The Assistant


Singer — a native of Poland who

Malamud found his characteristic

immigrated to the United States in

themes — man’s struggle to sur-

1935 — was the son of the promi-

vive against all odds, and the ethi-

nent head of a rabbinical court in

cal underpinnings of recent Jewish


Warsaw. Writing in Yiddish all his


life, he dealt in mythic and realistic

alamud’s first published

terms with two specific groups of

work was The Natural

Jews — the denizens of the Old

M(1952), a combination of

World shtetls (small villages) and

realism and fantasy set in the myth-

the ocean-tossed 20th-century emi-

ic world of professional baseball.

grés of the pre-World War II and

Other novels include A New Life

postwar eras.

(1961), The Fixer (1966), Pictures

Singer’s writings served as book-

of Fidelman (1969), and The

ends for the Holocaust. On the one

Tenants (1971).

hand, he described — in novels such

Malamud also was a prolific mas-

as The Manor (1967) and The Estate

ter of short fiction. Through his

Photo © Nancy Crampton

(1969), set in 19th-century Russia,



and The Family Moskat (1950),

of his role as a mediator between

focused on a Polish-Jewish family

the Russian and American literary

between the world wars — the

worlds; he wrote a book on Gogol

world of European Jewry that no

and translated Pushkin’s Eugene

longer exists. Complementing these

Onegin. His daring, somewhat

works were his writings set after the

expressionist subjects helped

war, such as Enemies, A Love Story

introduce 20th-century European

(1972), whose protagonists were

currents into the essentially realist

survivors of the Holocaust seeking to

American fictional tradition.

create new lives for themselves.

Nabokov’s tone, partly satirical and

partly nostalgic, also suggested a

Vladimir Nabokov

new serio-comic emotional regis-


ter made use of by writers such as

ike Singer, Vladimir Nabokov

Thomas Pynchon, who combines

was an Eastern European immi-

the opposing notes of wit and fear.

Lgrant. Born into an affluent

family in Czarist Russia, he came to

John Cheever (1912-1982)

the United States in 1940 and

John Cheever often has been

gained U.S. citizenship five years

called a “novelist of manners.” He

later. From 1948 to 1959, he taught

is also known for his elegant, sug-

literature at Cornell University in

gestive short stories, which scruti-

upstate New York; in 1960 he moved

nize the New York business world

permanently to Switzerland.

through its effects on the busi-

Nabokov is best known for his

nessmen, their wives, children, and

novels, which include the autobio-


graphical Pnin (1957), about an

A wry melancholy and never quite

ineffectual Russian emigré profes-

quenched but seemingly hopeless

sor, and Lolita (U.S. edition, 1958),

desire for passion or metaphysical

about an educated, middle-aged

certainty lurks in the shadows of

European who becomes infatuated

Cheever’s finely drawn, Chekhovian

with a 12-year-old American girl.


tales, collected in The Way Some

Nabokov’s pastiche novel, Pale Fire

People Live (1943), The House-

(1962), another successful venture,

breaker of Shady Hill (1958), Some

focuses on a long poem by an imag-

People, Places, and Things That Will

inary dead poet and the commen-

Not Appear in My Next Novel

taries on it by a critic whose writ-

(1961), The Brigadier and the Golf

ings overwhelm the poem and take

Widow (1964), and The World of

on unexpected lives of their own.

Apples (1973). His titles reveal his

Nabokov is an important writer

characteristic nonchalance, play-

for his stylistic subtlety, deft satire,

fulness, and irreverence, and hint

and ingenious innovations in form,

at his subject matter.

which have inspired such novelists

Cheever also published several

as John Barth. Nabokov was aware

Photo © Nancy Crampton

novels — The Wapshot Scandal



(1964), Bullet Park (1969), and

(l988). Updike creates an alter ego

Falconer (1977) — the last of

— a writer whose fame ironically

which was largely autobiographical.

threatens to silence him — in

another series of novels: Bech: A

John Updike (1932- )

Book (l970), Bech Is Back (1982), John Updike, like Cheever, is also

and Bech at Bay (1998).

regarded as a writer of manners

pdike possesses the most

with his suburban settings, domes-

brilliant style of any writer


tic themes, reflections of ennui

today, and his short stories

and wistfulness, and, particularly,

offer scintillating examples of

his fictional locales on the eastern

its range and inventiveness.

seaboard of the United States, in

Collections include The Same Door

Massachusetts and Pennsylvania.

(1959), The Music School (1966),

Updike is best known for his five

Museums and Women (1972), Too

Rabbit books, depictions of the

Far To Go (1979), and Problems

life of a man — Harry “Rabbit”

(1979). He has also written several

Angstrom — through the ebbs and

volumes of poetry and essays.

flows of his existence across four

decades of American social and

J.D. Salinger (1919- )

political history. Rabbit, Run (1960)

A harbinger of things to come in

is a mirror of the 1950s, with

the 1960s, J.D. Salinger has por-

Angstrom an aimless, disaffected

trayed attempts to drop out of soci-

young husband. Rabbit Redux

ety. Born in New York City, he

(1971) — spotlighting the counter-

achieved huge literary success with

culture of the 1960s — finds

the publication of his novel The

Angstrom still without a clear goal

Catcher in the Rye (1951), centered

or purpose or viable escape route

on a sensitive 16-year-old, Holden

from the banal. In Rabbit Is Rich

Caulfield, who flees his elite board-

(1981), Harry has become a pros-

ing school for the outside world of

perous businessman during the

adulthood, only to become disillu-

1970s, as the Vietnam era wanes.

sioned by its materialism and


The final novel, Rabbit at Rest


(1990), glimpses Angstrom’s rec-

When asked what he would like to

onciliation with life, before his

be, Caulfield answers “the catcher

death from a heart attack, against

in the rye,” misquoting a poem by

the backdrop of the 1980s. In

Robert Burns. In his vision, he is a

Updike’s 1995 novella Rabbit

modern version of a white knight,

Remembered, his adult children

the sole preserver of innocence. He

recall Rabbit.

imagines a big field of rye so tall

Among Updike’s other novels are

that a group of young children can-

The Centaur

(1963), Couples

not see where they are running as

(1968), A Month of Sundays (1975),

they play their games. He is the only

Roger’s Version (1986), and S.

Photo © Nancy Crampton

big person there. “I’m standing on


the edge of some crazy cliff. What I

novelist William Burroughs and

have to do, I have to catch every-

poet Allen Ginsberg.

body if they start to go over the

cliff.” The fall over the cliff is



equated with the loss of childhood



innocence — a persistent theme

The alienation and stress under-

alienation and

of the era.

lying the 1950s found outward

Other works by this reclusive,

stress underlying expression in the 1960s in the

spare writer include Nine Stories

the 1950s found United States in the civil rights (1953), Franny and Zooey (1961),

movement, feminism, antiwar


and Raise High the Roof Beam,

protests, minority activism, and the

expression in the

Carpenters (1963), a collection of

arrival of a counterculture whose

stories from The New Yorker maga-

1960s in

effects are still being worked

zine. Since the appearance of one

the United States through American society. Notable story in 1965, Salinger — who lives in

political and social works of the era

in the civil rights

New Hampshire — has been absent

include the speeches of civil rights


from the American literary scene.

leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.,


the early writings of feminist

Jack Kerouac (1922-1969)

antiwar protests,

leader Betty Friedan ( The

The son of an impoverished

Feminine Mystique), and Norman


French-Canadian family, Jack

Mailer’s The Armies of the Night

activism, and the

Kerouac also questioned the values

(1968), about a 1967 antiwar march.

arrival of a

of middle-class life. He met mem-

The 1960s were marked by a blur-

bers of the Beat literary under-


ring of the line between fiction and

ground as an undergraduate at

whose effects

fact, novels and reportage that has

Columbia University in New York

carried through the present day.

are still

City. His fiction was much influ-

Novelist Truman Capote (1924-

being worked

enced by the loosely autobiographi-

1984) — who had dazzled readers

cal work of southern novelist


as an enfant terrible of the late

Thomas Wolfe.

American society. 1940s and 1950s in such works as erouac’s best-known novel,

Breakfast at Tiffany’s (1958) —

On the Road


stunned audiences with In Cold

Kdescribes beatniks wan-

Blood (1965), a riveting analysis of

dering through America seeking an

a brutal mass murder in the

idealistic dream of communal life

American heartland that read like a

and beauty. The Dharma Bums

work of detective fiction.

(1958) also focuses on peripatetic

At the same time, the New

counterculture intellectuals and

Journalism emerged — volumes of

their infatuation with Zen

nonfiction that combined journal-

Buddhism. Kerouac also penned a

ism with techniques of fiction, or

book of poetry, Mexico City Blues

that frequently played with the

(1959), and volumes about his life

facts, reshaping them to add to the

with such beatniks as experimental

drama and immediacy of the story


being reported. In The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test who builds up a phony business empire from

(1968), Tom Wolfe (1931- ) celebrated the coun-

junk bonds, eerily forecasts Wall Street excesses

terculture wanderlust of novelist Ken Kesey

to come. His shorter, more accessible

(1935-2001); Radical Chic & Mau-Mauing the Carpenter’s Gothic (1985) combines romance Flak Catchers (1970) ridiculed many aspects of with menace. Gaddis is often linked with mid-left-wing activism. Wolfe later wrote an exuber-

western philosopher/novelist William Gass

ant and insightful history of the initial phase of (1924- ), best known for his early, thoughtful

the U.S. space program, The Right Stuff (1979), novel Omensetter’s Luck (1966), and for stories and a novel, The Bonfire of the Vanities (1987), a collected in In the Heart of the Heart of the

panoramic portrayal of American society in the

Country (1968).


Robert Coover (1932- ) is another metafiction

As the 1960s evolved, literature flowed with the

writer. His collection of stories Pricksongs & turbulence of the era. An ironic, comic vision also Descants (1969) plays with plots familiar from came into view, reflected in the fabulism of sev-folktales and popular culture, while his novel The eral writers. Examples include Ken Kesey’s dark-Public Burning (1977) deconstructs the execu-ly comic One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest (1962), tion of Julius and Ethel Rosenberg, who were

a novel about life in a mental hospital in which

convicted of espionage.

the wardens are more disturbed than the

inmates, and the whimsical, fantastic Trout

Thomas Pynchon (1937- )

Fishing in America (1967) by Richard Brautigan Thomas Pynchon, a mysterious, publicity-shun-


ning author, was born in New York and graduated

The comical and fantastic yielded a new mode,

from Cornell University in 1958, where he may

half comic and half metaphysical, in Thomas

have come under the influence of Vladimir

Pynchon’s paranoid, brilliant V and The Crying of Nabokov. Certainly, his innovative fantasies use

Lot 49, John Barth’s Giles Goat-Boy, and the themes of translating clues, games, and codes

grotesque short stories of Donald Barthelme

that could derive from Nabokov. Pynchon’s flexi-

(1931-1989), whose first collection, Come Back, ble tone can modulate paranoia into poetry.

Dr. Caligari, was published in 1964.

ll of Pynchon’s fiction is similarly structured. A This new mode came to be called metafiction

vast plot is unknown to at least one of the


— self-conscious or reflexive fiction that calls

main characters, whose task it then

attention to its own technique. Such “fiction

becomes to render order out of chaos and deci-

about fiction” emphasizes language and style,

pher the world. This project, exactly