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worthy of al the law that ye were worthy of in King Edward's day. And I wil not endure that any man offer any

wrong to you. God keep you."

Taswel-Langmead's "English Constitutional History," Chapter 1, p.18. E.A. Freeman, in his "Norman

Conquest," IV, 29, says that Wiliam signed this charter with a cross (in addition to his seal, which was attached to the document), but Dr. R.R. Sharpe, in his "History of London and the Kingdom," I, 34, note 1, states that

"this appears to be a mistake." Dr. Sharpe is the "Records Clerk" of the City, and he shows that there is no trace of any cross on the charter, which is now preserved in Guildhal Library, London.


1. Egbert (descended from Cerdic, 495), first "King of the English,"

H 828-837

2. Ethelwulf, 837-858




3. Ethelbald, 4. Ethelbert, 5. Ethelred I, 6. Alfred,

858-860 860-866 866-871 871-901



H * *

7. Edward I, 901-925 15. Sweyn, the Dane, 1013

H |

========================== \________



H H H \

8.Ethelstan 9. Edmund 10. Edred, 17. Canute,

925-940 940-946 946-955 1017-1035

H |

============ ————————————-

H H | * |

11. Edwin, 12. Edgar 18. Harold * * 19. Hardicanute

955-959 959-975 1035-1040 Richard I 1040-1042

H Duke of Normandy


================*============= H==============

H * * H H H

13.Edward II Elgiva, ? m. 14. Ethelred II, m. (2) Emma Richard II,

975-979 H 979-1016 H * Duke of

16. Edmund II =================H* * Normandy

(Ironside), H Godwin, Earl H

1016-1016 20. Edward III, of Kent H

H the Confessor, H H

Edgar Atheling, 1042-1066, second ______H H

grandson of Edward II cousin of Wiliam | H H

[should have succeeded the Conqueror, m. Edith H H

Harold II (No. 21)] H H

21. Harold II, H

——————————————- 1066-1066, slain H

* This sign shows that the| at Hastings, 1066 H

* * person over whose name | H

it stands was not in the | Robert, Duke of Normandy

direct line of descent. | H

——————————————- THE NORMAN KINGS 22. Wiliam the Conqueror

1066-1087, second cousin of

Edward the Confessor (No. 20)

m. Matilda of Flanders,

a direct descendant of

Alfred the Great, (No. 6)




23. Wiliam II, +24. Henry I, Adela

1087-1100 1100-1135 H

H 25. Stephen

Maud, or of Blois,

Matilda, m. 1135-1154

(2) Geoffrey


Count of Anjou




THE HOUSE OF ANJOU ++Henry II, 1154-1189




27. Richard I Geoffrey 28. John (Lackland),

(Coeur de Lion), H 1199-1216

1189-1199 Arthur, murdered H

by John? 29. Henry III,




30. Edward I, 1272-1307

H ———————————————————————-

31. Edward II, 1307-1327 | * The heavy lines indicate the Saxon or Early

H | Norman sovereigns with their successors.

32. Edward III, 1327-1377 | + Henry I (No 24) m. Matilda of Scotland, a

H | descendant of Edmund II (Ironside) (No 16).

H |++ Henry II m. Eleanor of Aquitaine, the

H | divorced queen of France, thereby acquiring

H | large possessions in Southern France.

H ———————————————————————-



H | H H

Edward, the Lionel, Duke John of Gaunt Edmund Langley

Black Prince of Clarence Duke of Lancaster Duke of York

H | H————————— H

33. Richard Philippa, m. HOUSE OF LANCASTER | H

II, 1377-1399 Edmund Mortimer 34. Henry IV, 1399- John Richard,

| H 1413 Beaufort Earl of

————————— 35. Henry V, Earl of Cambridge,

| 1413-1422, m. * _Somerset++ _m. Anne

|——————— Catharine of / * * | Mortimer.

| | Valois, who m. (2)Owen John Beau- (See

+Edmund Mortimer Anne H / Tudor fort, Duke dotted

Mortimer, m. - - -H- - - - H of Somer- line)

36. Henry VI, Edmund set H

_______________________ 1422-1462, m. Tudor, | Richard, Duke

*Richard II, before he| Margaret of Earl of | of York, d. 1460

was deposed, had named| Anjou Richmond, m. Margaret H

Roger Mortimer as his | H H Beaufort. =========

successor, but Roger | Edward H HOUSE OF YORK

died before the King | Prince of Wales H 37. Edward 39. Rich-

+Edmund Mortimer, son | m. (?) Anne Nevile H IV, 1461- ard III,



of Roger Mortimer, | who later m. Richard H 1483 1483-1485

stood in the order of | H H m. Anne

succession after Rich-| H ============ Nevile**

ard II, but his claim | HOUSE OF TUDOR H H

was not alowed. He | 40. Henry VII, m. Elizabeth 38. Edward V

died 1424. | ++1485-1509 of York (murdered in

H the Tower by

=================================———————— Richard III?),

H H | 1483-1483

41. Henry VIII, 1509-1547, Margaret Tudor, Mary, m.

m. (1) Catharine of Aragon, (2) m. James (Stuart) Charles Brandon

Anne Boleyn, (3) Jane Seymour, IV, King of Scoland Duke of Suffolk

(4) Anne of Cleves, (5) Catharine H |

Howard, (6) Catherine Parr James (Stuart) V Frances Brandon,

H H m. Henry Grey, Duke of

======================= &Mary Queen of Suffolk

H H H Scots, beheaded, 1587 |

43. Mary (d. 44. Eliza- 42. Edward H Lady Jane Grey

of 1), 1553-1558, beth (d. VI (s. of H (m. Lord Dudley),

m. Philip II of 2), 1558- 3),1558- H beheaded, 1554

of Spain 1603 1553 H


HOUSE OF STUART 45. James (Stuart) I

of England





46. Charles I, Elizabeth, m. Frederick, Elector-Palatine

1625-1649++ H

H Sophia, m. the Elector of Hanover

=============================== H


47. Charles II, 48. James II, Mary, m. Wiliam 51. George, Elector of

1660-1685 1685-1688 II of Orange Hanover, became George I

H H of England, 1714-1727

======================= 49. Wiliam III H

H H H of Orange, became 52. George II, 1727-

49. Mary, 50. Anne, James Wiliam III of 1760

m. Wiliam 1702-1714 (the Old England, 1689- H

III of Or- Pretender), 1702 Frederick, Prince of Wales

ange, afterward b. 1688, (died before coming to the throne)

Wiliam III of d. 1765 H

England | 53. George III, 1760-1820

Charles, (the Young H



Pretender), b.1720, d.1788 ===============================


54. George IV, 55. Wiliam IV, Edward,

1820-1830 1830-1837 Duke of Kent,

_________________________________________________ d. 1820

++Henry VII (caled Henry of Richmond and Henry | H

of Lancaster): by his marriage with Elizabeth | 56. Victoria,

of York, the rival claims of the houses of | 1837-1901

Lancaster and York were settled and the house of| H

Tudor began. | 57. Edward VII,

& Mary Queen of Scots stood next in order of | 1901-1910

succession after Mary (No. 43), provided Henry |_________ H

VIII's marriage with Catharine, or his marriage with | 58. George V,

Catharine of Aragon (Mary's mother) was not held to have | 1910-

been dissolved. The Pope never recognized Henry's |

divorce from Catharine, or his marriage with Anne Boleyn,|

and therefore supported Mary Queen of Scots in her claim |

to the English crown after Mary's (43) death in 1558. |

** Richard III (No. 39) married Anne Nevile, widow (?) |

of Edward, Prince of Wales (son of Henry VI), slain at |

Tewkesbury. |

++ Commonwealth and Protectorate, 1649-1660 |


[The * marks contemporary or early history]

N.B. A selected list of twenty-eight works, especialy adapted to the use of teachers and pupils for reference and

colateral reading, is given on this first page. It includes names of publishers with prices.

General Histories

Oman, C. History of England (earliest times to the present).

7 vols. Putnam's Sons, N.Y. ($3.00 per vol.).

Gardiner, S.R. A Student's History of England, ilustrated,

3 vols. Longmans, N.Y. ($3.50); or bound in one very thick

volume ($3.00).

Tout, T.F. History of England, 1 vol. Longmans, N.Y. ($1.50).

Gardiner, S.R. English History. Holt, N.Y. (80 cents). (For young


Smith, Goldwin. The United Kingdom, a Political History, 2 vols.

The Macmilan Company, N.Y. ($4.00).

Bright, J.F. History of England, 4 vols. Longmans, N.Y. ($6.75).

Green, J.R. A Short History of the English People, 1 vol. Harper &

Bros., N.Y. ($2.00); the same beautifuly ilustrated, 4



vols. ($20.00).

Brewer, J.S. The Student's Hume, 1 vol. Murray, London (7s 6d).

Creighton, M. Epochs of English History, 6 smal vols. in

one. Longmans, N.Y. ($1.25).

Knight, C. The Popular History of England, 9 vols.,

ilustrated. Warne, London (5 pounds 3s.).

English Constitutional History

Ransome, C. Rise of Constitutional Government in England,

1 vol. Longmans, N.Y. ($2.00). (An excelent short

constitutional history.)

Taswel-Langmead, T.P. English Constitutional Histry, new and revised

edition, 1 vol. Stevens & Haynes, London ($3.12). (This is the

best complete constitutional history of England.)

Feilden, H.St.C. A Short Constitutional History of England (revised

edition), 1 vol. Ginn and Company, Boston ($1.25). (This is a

reference manual of exceptional value.)

General Works of Reference

Cannon, H.L. Reading References for English History, 1 vol. Ginn and

Company, Boston ($2.50). (This is a work practicaly

indispensible to both teachers and students. See further,

p. xl.)

Low and Puling. Dictionary of English History (revised edition), 1

vol. Cassel, N.Y. ($3.50).

Gardiner, S.R. A School Atlas of English History, 1 vol. Longmans,

N.Y. ($1.50).

Lee, G.C. Source-Book of English History (giving leading documents,

etc.), 1 vol. Holt & Co., N.Y. ($2.00).

Cheyney, E.P. Readings in English History, 1 vol. Ginn and Company,

Boston ($1.80).

Kendal, E.K. Source-Book of English History, 1 vol. The Macmilan

Company, N.Y. (80 cents).

Acland and Ransome. English Political History in Outline. Longmans,

N.Y. ($1.25). (Excelent for reference.)

Powel, J. York. English History from Contemporary Writers, 16

vols. Nutt & Co., London (1s. per vol.) (A series of great


Cheyney, E.P. Industrial and Social History of England, 1 vol. The

Macmilan Company, N.Y. ($1.40).

Gibbins, H. de B. An Industrial History of England, 1 vol Scribner's,

N.Y. ($1.20).

Cunningham and MacArthur. Outlines of English Industrial History. The

Macmilan Company, N.Y. ($1.50).



Church, A.J. Early Britain. (Story of the Nations Series.) Putnams,

N.Y. ($1.50).

Story, A.T. The Building of the British Empire, 2 vols. Putnams,

N.Y. ($3.00).

McCarthy, J. The Story of the People of England in the XIXth Century,

2 vols. Putnams, N.Y. ($3.00).


Works of Reference to be found in Libraries

Hunt, W., and Poole, R.L. Political History of England (earliest times

to the present). 12 vols.

Trail, H.D. Social England, 6 vols.

The New Encyclopaedia Britannica, 29 vols.

Chambers's Encyclopaedia, 10 vols.

Nelson's Encyclopaedia, 12 vols.

The International Encyclopaedia, 17 vols.

The New Encyclopaedia Americana, 15 vols.

The Catholic Encyclopaedia, 15 vols.

The Jewish Encyclopaedia, 12 vols.

Stephen, L. Dictionary of National [British] Biography, 66 vols.

(A work of the highest rank.)

Adams's Manual of Historical Literature.

Mulinger's Authorities on English History.

Bailey's Succession to the Crown (with ful genealogical tables).

Henderson's Side Lights on English History.

Poole's Index to Reviews.

I. The Prehistoric Period

Dawkin's's Early Man in Britain.

Wright's The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon.

Elton's Origins of English History.

Rhys's Celtic Britain.

Geoffrey of Monmouth's Chronicle (legendary).

Geike's Influence of Geology on English History, in

Macmilan's Magazine, 1882.

II. The Roman Period, 55, 54 B.C.; A.D. 43-410

*Caesar's Commentaries on the Galic War

(Books IV and V, chiefly 55, 54 B.C.)

*Tacitus' Agricola and Annals (chiefly from 78-84).

*Gildas' History of Britain (whole period).

*Bede's Ecclesiastical History of Britain (whole period).

Wright's The Celt, the Roman, and the Saxon.



Elton's Origins of English History.

Pearson's England during the Early and Middle Ages.

Scarth's Roman Britain.[1]

[1] The best short history.

III. The Saxon or Early English Period, 449-1066

*The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (whole period).

*Gildas' History of Britain (Roman Conquest to 560).

*Bede's Ecclesiastical History of Britain (earliest times to 731).

*Nennius' History of Britain (earliest times to 642).

*Geoffrey of Monmouth's Chronicle (legendary) (earliest times to 689).

*Asser's Life of Alfred the Great.

Elton's Origins of English History.

Pauli's Life of Alfred.

Green's Making of England.

Green's Conquest of England.

Freeman's Norman Conquest, Vols. I-II.

Pearson's History of England during the Early and Middle Ages.

Freeman's Origin of the English Nation.

Stubbs's Constitutional History of England.

Taine's History of English Literature.

Church's Beginning of the Middle Ages.

Armitage's Childhood of the English Nation.[2]

Freeman's Early English History.[2]

[2] The two best short histories.

IV. The Norman Period 1066-1154

*The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (Peterborough continuation) (whole period)

*Ordericus Vitalis' Ecclesiastical History (to 1141).

*Wace's Roman de Rou (Taylor's translation) (to 1106).

*Bruce's Bayeux Tapestry Elucidated (with plates).

*Wiliam of Malmesbury's Chronicle (to 1142).

*Roger of Hoveden's Chronicle (whole period).

Freeman's Norman Conquest.

Church's Life of Anselm.

Taine's History of English Literature.

Stubbs's Constitutional History of England.

Freeman's Short History of the Norman Conquest.[3]

Armitage's Childhood of the English Nation.[3]

Johnson's Normans in Europe.[3]

Creighton's England a Continental Power.[3]

[3] The four best short histories.



V. The Angevin Period, 1154-1399

*Matthew Paris's Chronicle (1067-1253).

*Richard of Devizes's Chronicle (1189-1192).

*Froissart's Chronicles (1325-1400).

*Jocelin of Brakelonde's Chronicle (1173-1102) (see Carlyle's Past and

Present, Book II).

Norgate's Angevin Kings.

Taine's History of English Literature.

Anstey's Wiliam of Wykeham.

Pearson's England in the Early and Middle Ages.

Maurice's Stephen Langton.

Creighton's Life of Simon de Montfort.

Stubbs's Constitutional History of England.

Gairdner and Spedding's Studies in English History (the Lolards).

Blade's Life of Caxton.

Seebohm's Essay on the Black Death, in Fortnightly Review, 1865.

Maurice's Wat Tyler, Bal, and Oldcastle.

Gibbins's English Social Reformers (Langland and John Bal).

Buddensieg's Life of Wiclif.

J. York Powel's History of England.

Burrows's Wicklif's Place in History.

Pauli's Pictures of Old England.

Stubbs's Early Plantagenets.[1]

Rowley's Rise of the People.[1]

Warburton's Edward III.[1]

Shakespeare's John and Richard (Hudson's edition).

Scott's Ivanhoe and The Talisman (Richard I and John).

[1] The three best short histories.

VI. The Lancastrian Period, 1399-1461

*The Paston Letters (Gairdner's edition) (1424-1506).

*Fortescue's Governance of England (Plummer's edition) (1460?).

*Hal's Chronicle (1398-1509).

Brougham's England under the House of Lancaster.

Besant's Life of Sir Richard Whittington.

Taine's English Literature.

Rand's Chaucer's England.

Stubbs's Constitutional History of England.

Strickland's Queens of England (Margaret of Anjou).

Reed's English History in Shakespeare.

Gairdner's Houses of Lancaster and York.[2]

Rowley's Rise of the People.[2]

Shakespeare's Henry IV, V, and VI (Hudson's edition).



[2] The two best short histories.

VII. The Yorkist Period, 1461-1485

*The Paston Letters (Gairdner's edition) (1424-1506)

*Sir Thomas More's Edward V and Richard III

*Hal's Chronicle (1398-1509)

Halam's Middle Ages.

Gairdner's Richard III.

Taine's English Literature.

Stubbs's Constitutional History of England.

Gairdner's Houses of Lancaster and York.[2]

Rowley's Rise of the People.[2]

Shakespeare's Henry IV, V, and VI (Hudson's edition).

[2] The two best short histories.

VIII. The Tudor Period, 1461-1485.

*Holinshed's History of England (from earliest times to 1577).

*Lord Bacon's Life of Henry VII.

*Latimer's 1st and 6th Sermons before Edward VI and "The Ploughers"


*Hal's Chronicle (1398-1509).

Halam's Constitutional History of England.

Lingard's History of England (Catholic) 13 vols.

Brewer's Reign of Henry VIII.

Creighton's Cardinal Wolsey.

Gibbins's Social Reformers (Sir Thomas More).

Froude's History of England.

Strickland's Queens of England (Catharine of Aragon, Anne Boleyn,

Mary, Elizabeth).

Demaus's Life of Latimer.

Froude's Short Studies.

Nichols's Life of Cabot.

Dixon's History of the Church of England.

Hal's Society in the Age of Elizabeth.

Thornbury's Shakespeare's England.

Macaulay's Essay on Lord Burleigh.

Barrows's Life of Drake.

Creighton's Life of Raleigh.[3]

Seebohm's Era of the Protestant Revolution.[3]

Moberly's Early Tudors.[3]

Creighton's Age of Elizabeth.[3]

Shakespeare's Henry VIII (Hudson's edition).

Scott's Kenilworth, Abbot, Monastery (Elizabeth and Mary Queen of




[3] The four best short histories.

IX. The Stuart Period (First Part), 1603-1649

*The Prose Works of James I (1599-1625)

Jesse's Memoirs of the Court of England.

*Fuler's Church History of Britain (earliest times to 1648).

*Clarendon's History of the Rebelion (1625-1660).

*Memoirs of Col. Hutchinson (1616-1664).

*May's History of the Long Parliament (1640-1643).

Carlyle's Historical Sketches of Reigns of James I and Charles I.

Taine's History of English Literature.

Spedding's Lord Bacon and his Times.

Gardiner's History of England (1603-1649).

Church's Life of Lord Bacon.

Halam's Constitutional History of England.

Hume's History of England (Tory).

Macaulay's History of England (Whig).

Lingard's History of England (Catholic). 13 vols.

Strickland's Queens of England. 10 vols.

Ranke's History of England in the Seventeenth Century. 5 vols.

Macaulay's Essays (Bacon, Hampden, Halam's History).

Goldwin Smith's Three English Statesmen (Cromwel, Pym, Hampden).

Cordery's Struggle against Absolute Monarchy.[1]

Cordery and Philpott's King and Commonwealth.[1]

Gardiner's Puritan Revolution.[1]

Scott's Fortunes of Nigel (James I).

[1] The three best short histories.

X. The Commonwealth and Protectorate, 1649-1660 (see Preceding Period)

Gardiner's History of England (1649-1660).

*Ludlow's Memoirs (1640-1668).

*Carlyle's Life and Letters of Oliver Cromwel.

Carlyle's Hero Worship (Cromwel).

Guizot's Cromwel and the Commonwealth.

Morley's Cromwel.

Roosevelt's Cromwel.

Guizot's Richard Cromwel.

Guizot's Life of Monk.

Masson's Life and Times of Milton.

Bisset's Omitted Chapters in the History of England.

Pattison's Life of Milton.

Scott's Woodstock (Cromwel).



XI. Stuart Period (Second Part) 1660-1714

*Evelyn's Diary (1641-1706).

*Pepys's Diary (1659-1669).

*Burnet's History of his Own Time (1660-1713).

Macaulay's History of England (Whig).

Halam's Constitutional History of England.

Taine's History of English Literature.

Strickland's Queens of England.

Ranke's History of England in the Seventeenth Century.

Hume's History of England (Tory).

Brewster's Life of Newton.

Lingard's History of England (Catholic). 13 vols.

Green's History fo the English People.

Stanhope's History of England.

Lecky's History of England in the Eighteenth Cen

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