Fiction Jackpot Secrets by Jenna Sayles - HTML preview

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Elements of a Good Story

Of course, there are other elements of a good fictional manuscript.  I won’t attempt to go into all of them here, as there are plenty of websites, fiction writer’s workshops, and other resources that can help you explore them.  However, here are some basic things to keep in mind:

  • Plot:  Your plot should be engaging and keep readers wanting to keep scrolling through the pages.  Remember that it’s not just about what happens throughout the story, but how the character has changed by the end of the story as a result.
  • Narrative: Would your story sound best told in first person (“I said”), second (“You said”), or third person (He said)? Second person is almost never used.  It sounds awkward.  So the choice will likely be between first person and third person.  That’s completely up to you.  One idea you can try is to write it in first person, then rewrite it in third person.  Which sounds more natural for the story?
  • Setting: Your setting should make sense, given the plot and characters. 
  • Details: If your character is a doctor, you will probably have to research some medical details to make it sound realistic.  My book was set in New England.  I knew nothing about that region, as I had not been there before, so I had to research some things about that area in order to throw in details that would make the setting believable. 

Remember, there are plenty of places you can research how to write a good fictional novel.  These are just some things to keep in mind as you research your topic.  Could you build believable characters and a realistic setting around it?


Where do you want your story to take place? What characters are involved? What struggle will the character have to overcome and how will he or she change as a result?




What specific talents, skills, abilities or areas of knowledge do you have?