Get Busy With Writing a Collection of 31 Daily Prompts to Spark Your Inspiration and Get Creativity Flowing by Maja S. Todorovic - HTML preview

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Prompt 13: Dive in the absurd


"We are all hungry and thirsty for concrete images. Abstract art will have been good for one thing: to restore its exact virginity to figurative art.

- Salvador Dali

In the paper “Connections From Kafka: Exposure to Meaning Threats Improves Implicit Learning of an Artificial Grammar” authors argue that experiencing (reading, hearing or seeing) something absurd like surreal art or literature can increase pattern recognition of association unrelated to the original meaning threat. In other words, mind always tries to justify, explain what it experiences and “nonsense” art forces mind in faster mode of thinking to recognize what body senses.

So for today's challenge give your attention to something abstract, surreal You can visit an art exhibition, read an abstract poem or story and let your mind drift, loosen up from everything you were trying to accomplish. Let your mind “recharge” this way.

Life is not a dream. Careful! Careful! Careful!
We fall down the stairs in order to eat the moist earth
or we climb to the snow's edge with the voices of dead dahlias.
But there is no oblivion; no dream:
only flesh exists. Kisses tie our mouths
in a tangle of new veins,
and those who hurt will hurt without rest
and those who are afraid of death will carry it on their shoulders

Federico García Lorca