Get Busy With Writing a Collection of 31 Daily Prompts to Spark Your Inspiration and Get Creativity Flowing by Maja S. Todorovic - HTML preview

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Prompt 2: Awaken your creativity 


"There is a vitality, a life force, an energy, a quickening, that is translated through you into action, and because there is only one of you in all time, this expression is unique."

- Marta Graham

Sometimes, all that we need is just a little nudge to keep us moving forward and invoke some new ideas. But often, you don’t know where to start. I suggest: start simply, from the most basic things:

What makes you smile?

What makes you angry?

What are you curious about?

Who would you like to be?

Write a poem answering these questions – treat them like a little poetry prompts, with that difference that you don’t have to share them with anyone, they are for your eyes only, for your own journey to awakening creativity. You can actually start your own creativity journal where you daily reflect on your ideas, feelings, experiences, circumstances; how any of these factors influence your creative power you certainly have residing within you. It just needs to be properly initiated and directed.

Poetry to us is given
As stars beautify the heaven,
Or, as the sunbeams when they gleam,
Sparkling so bright upon the stream ;
And the poetry of motion
Is ship sailing o’er the ocean
Or, when the bird doth graceful fly,
Seeming to float upon the sky;
For poetry is the pure cream
And essence of the common theme.

Poetic thoughts the mind doth fill,
When on broad plain to view a hill ;
On barren heath how it doth cheer
To see in distance herd of deer.
And poetry breathes in each flower
Nourished by the gentle shower, 
In song of birds upon the trees
And humming of busy bees.
‘Tis solace for the ills of life,
A soothing of the jars and strife;
For poets feel it a duty
To sing of both worth and beauty.

James McIntyre