How To Write Your First Non-Fiction Book and Make Money from Your Writings as an Author by Sesan Oguntade - HTML preview

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Chapter 9: Thank You For Going Through This Section

Thank you for going through this section of this guide, I hope it helped you. Just like I said earlier, it is easy to have your name to a book. You have what it takes because there is an experience you have that can be sold in a book format. Some people are out there who wants to pay you for these treasured ideas and experience you possess.

I want to read from you and I would love to see a copy of the book you will write as a result of your encounter with this book.

In case you still don’t want to go through the process of manually creating your book from the scratch, you can take a look at this interesting article on my blog.

Thank you.

Now let’s jump into the second section of this book.

Section 2

20 Ways to Make Money with Your Books

Chapter 10: Making Money With Your Writings

Thank you so much for your interest in this report. I am an author and a book seller. I am also the set man at My nice and very rewarding experience with books and all it stands for made me to establish this online platform for publishing and selling books online.

My first ever self-published book was silly mistakes in mathematics. It was really a great experience. This project opened my eyes to the hidden treasures that are buried with book publishing and sales. I sold lots of copies of this book in my country and the project also opened up lots of opportunities for me and my company. I have self-published other books since then and I have discovered more opportunities around this business.

One of the most astounding discoveries I made while writing and selling books was the fact that the sales from direct book sales should not be the main or the only source of revenue for authors. This was new to me before I ventured into the business. I used to think I can only make money with my books only if I can sell lots of copies of it. In fact, this misplaced thoughts actually deprived me of catching on some opportunities at the early stage of my book business.

I will be using this report to show you the different ways you can use your book to rake in lots of revenue for yourself. The money from the sales of your book should actually be the least revenue source for your book.

Just as I mentioned earlier, I have practically used most of these tips so i will be pointing your attention to internet links to support my claims. If you are reading this ebook and you are connected to the internet, you can visit these links to get first-hand information of what I am describing.

Thanks and have a great experience with this ebook.

Chapter 11: Direct Book Sales

This is very common. Most authors have relied on this as their main source of income. Just like I mentioned above this should not be so. However, this is still a good source of revenue for your book especially if you know how to distribute or market your books. Writing your book is the first step in your book business, publishing it is another step, distributing or selling it is another and it is a very important one. You can't make money from your books sales if you don't have ways of putting it in the hands of people who will pay you cash in exchange for your book.

Marketing of books is not part of what this short ebook is meant to discuss but I will just let you have some basic information of what you have to do. You can get in touch with me if you want more information.

Marketing your books or putting it in the hands of those who will pay you for it is all about:

  1. Find out those who will be interested in your book. That is, those who your books is meant for. I wrote Silly Mistakes in Mathematics and I figured out that I can visit schools to find buyers. It is this simple.
  2. Finding out the best medium to reach them. Okada Books platform is a good medium to do this because most of the users of the platform are readers. A simple advert placed on this platfo0rm can get your book in front of buyers.
  3. Put a good price on your book. A good price should not be too expensive for the market and it should not be too cheap for the market.


Chapter 12: Distribute a Free Report

You can package your book and give it away as a free report on your website. Well you may be wondering how you can make money when you are giving out your book as a free report. There are simple and sure ways to make money using this strategy:

1. You can use your free report to show your expertise and advertise your existing books or yet to be published book.

2. You can use your free report to give publicity to your brand or organization. You can visit htpps:// to see what I am using free reports to do.

3. You can include affiliate links in your free report and encourage your readers to visit the links. An affiliate business is one that will give you the opportunity to sell other people's products to earn a commission on each sale. There are many website online offering affiliate opportunities to visitors to their websites. Most of them offer free subscription. You can carry out a search on the search engines to obtain information about these websites

4. You can use your free report to build a customer base. Place the free report on your website using an auto responder form. When visitors come to your website to pick the free report, they are asked to leave their contact information and expect an auto response from you containing the link to the free report. Though, they are collecting this report free of charge, they may become paying customers in the future. You can always contact them with the contact information they left with you.

If you would love to get your ebooks and reports created without you writing a word, you can read this article on my blog to see how this is possible. You only need a link and your report is beautifully created.



Chapter 13: Start a Blog

A blog is an online diary where experts put their thoughts for the people to read. Blogging is big business now. Authors are now running blogs to show their expertise to the public and to promote their books. People will readily buy from an author they have read from on many occasions and the one they know is an authority on his subject. If you have written a book, you can break the book down into several articles and place them on your blog to showcase your expertise and also to promote future books.

Blogging can be a very rewarding exercise if you can make yourself to post consistently on it and show to your readers that you are an expert on your topic. If you combine blogging with the idea in Chapter 2 above, then you will be having a great sales system for your books that will make you money for a long time.


Chapter 14: Distribute Articles

You can also break down your book contents into articles that you will distribute on the internet or on the social media free of charge. Webmasters have used article distribution to promote their websites, products, brands etc. on the internet. They have also used them to promote affiliate products.

Webmasters have visited article submission websites to pick up these distributed articles for use on their websites. If yours are picked, it presents a wonderful opportunity for you to obtain cheap exposure for whatever you have used your articles to promote.

Therefore, instead of selling your book, you can break it down into articles and distribute them free of charge on the internet or social media to promote other products.

Chapter 15: Open Doors With Your Books

I love this strategy. I believe my books should open doors of other opportunities to me. After I published my first book, Silly Mistakes in Mathematics, lots of parents contacted me for consultancy work for their children. I made more money from these consultancy works than the money I made from the sales of the book itself.

I have voluntarily given my books out to experts in my industry expecting a joint venture opportunity with them. One of it gave me lots of money even before I began to sell the book. Books show you as an expert (which you are if you are the author of the book). Other experts will be willing to do business with you if they have seen your expertise on the pages of your book.


Chapter 16: Show Yourself As An Authority

Sometimes, you are not directly interested in making immediate cash with your book. You just want to push a book out and distribute freely to show you as a voice in your industry. So you are just going to be distributing your books in the right places to shout out your brand to the whole world.

This may not give you immediate gains of more cash but an increased recognition in your industry will eventually make you wealthy in the nearest future.


Chapter 17: Website Exposure

Lots of businesses are now going online. Web designers are having a nice time designing websites for business owners. Now it is one thing to have a website online, it is another thing to bring people to it. You can use a book to give great exposure to your website by distributing it as articles or as free ebooks.

You should ensure that you persuade readers of your book to visit your website. You can put other free resources like free newsletters subscriptions, free reports etc. in your book asking readers of your free ebook to visit your website to pick them up. Your website links should be conspicuously placed at strategic positions in your free ebook.


Chapter 18: Sell a Service

You can also use your book to advertise a service you render. For example, a web designer can write a free ebook titled, 'How To Put Your Website On The Internet' or '7 Reasons why You Need a Website For Your Business'. The free ebook will, apart from teaching the readers the theme of the book, highlight the necessity for the readers to have a website for their businesses by contacting him (the author) to render the service.

Whatever service you render, you can put up a free ebook on a theme related to your trade. If you can't write a book, you can look for private label rights (PLR)materials on the internet that is related to your business. PLR materials are resources that are produced and have been given out or sold to others who can use them as they deem fit. They can be edited or used the way they are. You can do a search online to obtain free PLR products.

A good PLR website is at . You will be required to register free.

Chapter 19: Sell The Contents on Platforms

You can also decide to arrange the contents of your book in a seminar format and sell as seminars or workshops. For example, if you have a book on 'How To Make Money Selling Information Products'. You can decide to teach this book on platforms using the most relevant parts of the book as seminar topics. I have seen authors who have sold their books as front-end products and have also organised seminars on the same book contents to the same readers of their books as back-end products.

Sometimes, when you sell on platforms, you make more money compared to when you sell your product just as a book. Seminars attract higher fees than book sales. There is also the opportunity for you to sell private consultancy services through your seminars.


Chapter 20: Sell as Consultancy

You can also start out by selling the contents of your book as a consultancy. Some experts have written small books to promote their consultancy services. They have given out the small books free of charge to their customers. They have also used this free small book to promote their services. I gave my book 'Silly Mistakes in Mathematics' free to my customers anytime i seal a consultancy deal with them to train their children. I found out that this act usually strengthened the confidence these parents have in my ability to deliver on the task they have contracted me for.


Chapter 21: You Can Learn a Trade Through Books

This part of the book will be describing how you can profit from the book of others.

Let me quote James R. Cook here. He is a highly successful entrepreneur and is the author of ‘The Start-Up Entrepreneur’: “Books strengthen the mind. I have chosen reading books over formal education as a personal means to provide a cultural backdrop to enterpreneuring. Every crumb of knowledge you gain, whether it be an obscure historical fact or philosophical musing will contribute in some small fashion to your ultimate business success. Books are instructors on virtually all subjects. They have hastened my career and can most assuredly complement yours”

This man has voted to enrich himself with books. I am not surprised he has results to show. I have investigated the lives of many successful people and I have discovered how passionate they are about this topic.

You can improve yourself using books. You can learn a completely new trade with books. One of my mentors (a newspaper publisher) had to vote for a new trade to save his business from collapse when he discovered a book titled, '555 Ways to Earn Extra Money' written by Jay Conrad Levinson. He switched on to the information supplied in this book and a fresh surge of financial air blew across his finances and his business.

I have profited immensely from books. I have learnt many new things from books which have gone ahead to improve my lots in life. You can vote for this too. Books will make you rich if you know how to use them for this purpose.


Chapter 22: Increase Your Values Through Books

This is related to the previous tip. You should develop the mentality of improving your values with books. When your values increase, your worth will increase and this will have a positive effect on your economy or bank account. You should learn to look for books that have been written on any topic where you are presently having challenges. It is believed that a book has been written on any topic you can think of. You only need to search for them. The search engines are useful in this regard. You can also use your local library for this purpose or the bookstores.

When you register to receive the free information below you will be receiving free ebooks on busines, publishing and entrepreneurship on a weekly basis.


Chapter 23: Start a Membership Page

We have a page at our website that is loaded with problem-solving books and which is updated on a monthly basis at no cost to subscribers. It is a free membership website. However, offering it free does not mean we can't profit from it in the long run. We have also used the page to introduce some of our quality premium products to subscribers of the website. We have also used it grow our subscribers list. The catch here is that if you consistently give good values to some people over time, they will end up seeing you as an authority on the subject and they can easily buy from you in the future.

You can also decide to make your membership website a paid one. If you are going to be successful in this business, you must ensure you have enough original contents on your topic so that your subscribers can stay subscribed to your website for a long time. They will stay with you if you give them value for their money on a regular basis.

Starting and maintaining a membership website of your quality books is also a great way to sell large copies of new books within a very short time. If you have a new book, the first sets of people that must get a notice are your precious subscribers.


Chapter 24: .Promote a Cause

You can also profit immensely from your book if you decide to write a book to promote a cause. I have seen many NGOs in my country who have not used this strategy to promote their NGOs. People can readily relate and understand your mission if you have a book written on what you are promoting. People can read your thoughts on the issue and take decisions to identify with your cause. This strategy can really do a world of good to NGOs. When you have lots of people identifying with your cause, you can be sure money and other resources will flow in the direction of your NGO. We write and produce promotional books for NGOs.


Chapter 25: Start a Bookstore

You can also start a physical or online bookstore. An offline or a physical bookstore has been around for a long time now and many business-minded people have really profited from it. I must confess that there are many of them around now. However, you can start a bookstore that is different from others that are around you. You should offer other different services in your bookstore. You should look out for ideas that you can run alongside your bookstore that will bring people in your locality into your bookstore. When they come for this, they can also pay a visit into the book section of your bookstore.

I have seen religious organizations make good use of this strategy. Most of them in my country have their bookstores at the entrance of their churches. Church members can just visit the bookstore on their way into the church or when they are leaving. Most of them have even announced the availability of new titles at the end of a service or a special programme.

They have the crowd, so they can turn the crowds into bookstore customers. An online bookstore is very common these days. Most businesses now have online bookstores on their websites.


Chapter 26: Publish Newsletters

You can turn your book idea into a newsletter. For example, if you have an idea like 'How To Raise Children', you can decide to start publishing newsletters on 'Tips for Mums'. A newsletter idea can develop from a single book idea. You only need to stretch your thinking to expand the idea. I wrote a book 'Silly Mistakes in Mathematics' which corrects students' foundational errors in the subject. I can stretch my thinking to expand this idea to bring up a newsletter like 'Improved Mathematics for High Schoolers'.

A newsletter can be distributed online (ezine) or as paper edition. If you are low on budget, you can start an online edition of your newsletter. Newsletters will give you the opportunity to develop a customer database, get in touch with them on a regular basis, show your expertise and also give you the opportunity to have ready customers you can sell your future books to. If you maintain a quality newsletter, you can be sure of a followership of loyal customers for your books and other information products.


Chapter 27: Publish Newspapers

This is closely related to the tip above especially if you are publishing your newsletters offline as paper edition. A book idea can be turned into a newspaper idea. For example, I wrote 'How To Produce Job-winning Resumes' and distributed it online. However I discovered that a newspaper idea can come out of this book idea and Job Zone newspaper was born. Publishing newspapers will involve lots of things which are beyond the scope of this guide. You can run a search online for “Newspaper Publishing” and peruse the results.

Finally, I hope you have enjoyed thissection. Now you can be encouraged to earn lots of cash with your book. I am wishing you all the best. If you have comments you want to pass across to me about this section, you can send an email to

Now let me take you to the last section of this book.


Section 3

Writing Books That Will Appeal to Readers

Chapter 28: You Must Learn How to Do This

The human body when it is healthy radiates beauty and has the tendency to grow adequately. Everyone desires the beauty of a healthy person. When a child is not growing adequately, the parents are worried and usually, they schedule a visit to see a physician. If it is found that the child lacks anything that is required for his or her normal growth, the parents go to any length to provide these required growth contents for their child. The human body that is not growing well and which has no outside beauty lacks what I call, "Life Materials" or growth contents that are necessary to make it grow adequately. The same thing applies to a child that is not growing adequately; he or she lacks growth contents or life Materials.

The description above also applies to authors, their books, how readers rate their books and how their books perform in the market. Wherever there are life materials, there will surely be normal beauty and growth. When your books have life materials or growth contents, they will surely radiate the beauty and attraction that will make them enjoy the love and patronage of readers. When readers love your book (when your book is filled with relevant life materials), they are likely to stay with you for a long time and become great fans who are ready to buy more books from you whenever you publish them. They will also be ready to pass words around about you and your book to their friends, families, colleagues, online friends and so on.

Why I Wrote This Section of the Book

The main reason why I wrote this section of the book is to make you write interesting books that your readers would love and which will ultimately sell very well in the market. When readers love your books, they will be willing to promote them by using the most potent book-selling strategy which is the word of mouth publicity.

With the word of mouth publicity, the readers who enjoy your book take it upon themselves to inform others about it. If the readers they informed love your book, they will also inform others and it goes on like that. I know that most books which broke out from the various sales channels either with traditional or independent publishing platforms as best-sellers owe their successes to this potent strategy.

You can make each of your non-fiction books an exciting read for your readers if you can learn how to put these life materials or growth additions or growth elements into your books. They are life materials because they bring life into your books. They add more excitements and originality to your books in addition to the problems it is meant to solve.

Sometimes, these life materials help in authenticating the solutions you have provided to the problems your books is solving and sometimes, they add more benefits and bonuses to your readers. Other times, they provide entertainment to your readers.

Whatever the life materials you have chosen to use in your book, they will surely help to give a strong voice to your book and improve your author profile in the market place. I am sure you know that these will surely end up increasing your book sales and success as an author.

Newspapers and Magazines Also use Life Materials

I have also observed the use of life materials by newspaper and magazine editors. I am sure you have seen this application a lot of times. You should have seen the use of fresh images or pictures on the front pages of some newspapers showing an event that happened the previous day. You should also have observed that top newspapers always try to report fresh news as it happens with picture shots accompanying them. Some other newspapers and magazines also have a section of their newspapers dedicated to "Photo News", this section only shows picture shots of current events that will interest their readers and most importantly, to show their readers that they are current and that they have 'life' running through the "veins' of their newspapers and magazines.

Books should have these life materials too. Your books don't have to be boring to your readers or uninteresting to your readers. Placing that extra information, entertainment, gifts and bonuses will surely make your book come alive to your readers. You have over 20 of such materials in this book.

Life Materials Have Always Been There

I have, over the years, also observed how best-selling authors have used these life materials in their books. These materials have added great quality to their books and have helped them to climb up to the top of the ladder of best-selling authors. I will be mentioning instances of the use of these materials in some of these best-selling books that I have come across.

I will be picking examples from both local (those which sold well in my country) and foreign best-selling books. I have also used these materials in my books severally and I have observed readers' positive reactions to these additions. I will also be sharing practical examples from my various books in this book.

I have described about 25 of these life materials in this book. You will not be able to use all of them in a single book but you can use a combination of many of them in a single book. You will need to pick relevant ones for each book you will be writing.

I am convinced that any life material you decide to use will go a long way to add lots of qualities to your books and end up exciting your readers resulting in more sales for your books.

Let me bring the benefits of this course to you in bulleted points:

1. You will be able to write great books 2. You will assist readers of your books to love your books by increasing their reading appetite. 3. You will be able to sell lots of your books. 4. You will be making the solutions you have provided in your books real and workable to your readers. 5. It will make readers of your books value your author brand. 6. People will fall in love with your books and pass information around about it through word of mouth. 7. You will be able to increase your fans database.

Well, I know you can't wait to get started so I will just roll on the dice immediately. However, before I do this, let me tell you why I am qualified to teach you this topic.

1. I have a book vision and ministry. I love to write and read books. I have read and written quite a lot. I am not really a fan of fiction books (though I have read quite a few good ones), I love to read and write 'how to' books which usually come under the non-fiction category of books. I have written over 50 books. About 20 of them have been self-published.

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