How To Write Your First Non-Fiction Book and Make Money from Your Writings as an Author by Sesan Oguntade - HTML preview

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Chapter 4: Start Work on Your First Book Idea?

Pick Your First Book Idea

You can now pick the first book idea that you will work upon using this book guide among the many you wrote down from the last chapter. I want you to understand that there is a difference between a book idea and a book title.

You have only succeeded in putting together book ideas that you can work upon now and in the future and not the book titles. Though the phrases you wrote down as book ideas may eventually become the book titles of the different book ideas without alterations.

However, sometimes, you may need to refine some of them.

For example, for my book, You Can Break Addiction, the book idea was a guide that will teach how addicts can end addiction. I ended picking this title, You Can Break Addiction after putting many things into consideration.

Have you picked one?

Define the Purpose of Your Book

What is the main problem your book is coming to solve? You need to write this out very clearly. The step to do this started from the time you were researching the book ideas. Now that you have picked the first book idea, you need to write out very clearly the main purpose why you are writing the book.

Who Are You Writing For?

Who are you targeting or solving their problems. Who will be most interested in your book? You can have about three groups in order of relevance in this case. For example, for my book, Silly Mistakes in Mathematics, the main target are the parents of the students; the second are the schools while the third are the students themselves.

Note: The two immediate tips above will be extremely useful when you begin to write.

They make you write effectively. You will be using the right tone and the right language.

You will also be using the inspiration you will be receiving appropriately.

Can You Coin a Title or Sub Title Now?

Coining out a good book title can also help you to write an effective book. A description of the purpose of your book and your target audience can really help you to write a good title and subtitle.

You may also have to play with lots of options before you can pick a final one. Before i picked the final title for my book I played with Common Mistakes in Mathematics, Silly Mistakes in Mathematics and How to Solve Students Errors in Mathematics as titles for the book.

There are many books out there on how to craft out a great book title. A good book cover attracts people to your book while a good book title must tell them at a glance what your book is all about and make them to take further steps to purchase your book. Silly Mistakes in Mathematics is a great title that shows my would-be customers clearly what the book is all about and encourage them to take a buying decision.

Some people have also argued for and against short book title or long book title but this guide will not be going into this debate. Though I have my favorite (you need to look at the titles of most of my books to find out my favorite), I believe a long or short book title will do very well if it satisfies the basic requirements of a good book title.

Let me give you this suggestion: look through the popular, best -selling books you have at home and study how the author crafted their book titles.

A subtitle is sometimes used to show some more information about your book apart from what the book title has given. For example, with my book, You Can Stop Masturbation...Simple Story Illustration Shows You How. I discovered that the subtitle of this book, Simple Story Illustration Shows You How sold it more to the readers than the title itself.

I obtained this information when I changed the cover and left out the subtitle from the new cover at (now KDP Print). The rate of the books sales stalled until I re-designed the cover again with the subtitle included again. People love stories and they would love to read a simple story to solve such a problem, so the subtitle attracted them to the book.

I want you to look at another example:

'Mathematics Therapy... How Parents Can Guide Their Children at Home in Mathematics.' Every parent would love to learn how to guide their children at home in the subject. The subtitle gave further, attractive information to would-be customers.

Now based on these facts, I want you to take some time off to think up a title and subtitle for your book idea. Remember to put into consideration the problem you are solving and the audience you are targeting.

Note: Avoid professional terms or jargons except when you are writing a professional book that will be read majorly by professionals in a certain field.

Have you been able to put something down? Well, if you have not, don't worry, you can still go ahead with your book-writing exercise and get the title-picking task done later.

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