How to Easily Write, Publish, Market and Sell eBooks by Gary Baker - HTML preview

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Chapter 5: Marketing

It’s more of the same in this chapter - sales and marketing, after all we want you to be an online best-seller, but also let your work or site generate other income for you. Affiliate Deals

You can place affiliate links for other companies in your eBook, and make money every time someone orders a product from your link.

This sounds like making easy money, but WATCH OUT! Be very careful not to fill up your copy with links to your affiliate programmes, because if you do, your readers will find this very unprofessional, and think that you’re out for a quick buck.

Result: your eBook will be deleted, faster than you can say “cash”

Most people who download eBooks are looking for good info and useful content, so never forget that they don’t want to make YOU more successful. No way! Your readers only care about THEMSELVES -and they are absolutely right! If you don’t agree with this statement, you should not even think about writing a book, and close this eBook instantly!

The customer is all important. If you have to use an affiliate link, do it sparingly, so your readers will not realize you are trying to sell them something.

Here’s how to do it right:

You can “recommend” or “review” a good product, but when you use affiliate links, you should select a product that will be of good value or assistance to your target market.

Always, always offer your readers useful content and information.

Tell about how a product worked well for you, by giving some examples, and how it can help your readers too, and they will trust you.

Trust can’t be bought, you have to earn it. And without trust… your business is doomed to fail!

Open your ears wide, and listen carefully…don’t EVER try to sell a product that you wouldn’t buy yourself, or your reputation will be destroyed forever! Got this? Okay, now never forget it!

Here are 2 good examples to use affiliate links: Example 1:

Suppose your eBook contains tips and recipes to make better cakes. Your book will cater to people who like to cook, so you can include a link to a bookstore that sells cooking books, or a company that sells cooking material.

Example 2:

If your eBook contains tips about web site promotion, you can include an affiliate link for a search engine submission service, or your “Web Site book. Remember; your eBook or report should help your readers, not rob the money out of their pocket!

Use an article from your eeeeBook

Book to submit to the eZines!

to submit to the eZines!

You can type up a well written and condensed version of your eBook as an article, and submit it to all the eZines in your target market.

Most eZine publishers are constantly looking for quality information to use in their publications, and will be eager to publish your article (if it’s important and well written of course.)

Don’t forget to add a link below your article to your eBook sales page or web site so that people can find out more about you or your product… it’s FREE promotion!

How to create a Traffic Virus with a FREE eeeeBook

Do you want to have an eBook working for you 24/7, sending free traffic to your web site, and making sales automatically? Then you need to start a “Traffic Virus”. Don’t worry, a traffic virus isn’t harmful at all. A traffic virus spreads itself around automatically without you lifting a finger. eBooks are the perfect tool do to this. Here’s how it works…

Let’s say you write an eBook with some brand new tips on how to grow better roses. Of course you place a link inside the eBook that links to your web site, or to the company you are an affiliate for.

Then you search the Internet for publishers who publish an eZine on gardening and ask them to give your FREE eBook away to their subscribers or web visitors.

Most of them will be glad to do this, because most ePublishers like to offer their readers useful info… at least, when they are serious about their business.

When those subscribers find your eBook interesting, they will pass the eBook on to their friends, and that starts the ball rolling…your traffic virus is spread, and your web site or sales page will receive hits via your eBook link, or ad, and this 24/7, 100 % automatically!

See what happens here?

Your link or advertisement gets exposed to thousands of people, you get click through to your web site… and you don’t need to spend a single penny on advertising! Now, of course, all the people who visit your web site via the link in your eBook may not buy from you, but once they are on your site, you can offer them another valuable FREE gift… in return for their email address, so you can follow up on them later.

You need to set up an autoresponder to capture your visitors’ email addresses, or create a form on your web site, and you’ll see once you have a list of people who are interested in your products, you can send them new offers, and you will start making more and more sales, month after month after month etc.

You can also set up an email autoresponder and if you do sign up make sure you use the 30 day trial offer with a money back guarantee of only $1.

A traffic virus will bring you a never-ending supply of targeted traffic and this is how the successful people make a good living online!

Viral Marketing Another way to sell lots of eBooks is by using the “viral marketing” strategy. You can let people share in your profit by setting up an affiliate program that offers a nice commission on every eBook sale that you make.

Here’s a proven example of how to use viral eBook marketing. Get your eBook downloaded by thousands in a short period of time without spending a single penny. The really clever thing to do is give the buyers of your eBook FULL RESALE RIGHTS and a FREE sales page, so they can sell it to other people for the SAME PRICE!

“Are you thinking, why do this? “I don’t want to lose the money from all those eBook sales?” Well all you need to do is make sure you have links in the eBook back to your own products, so you earn money every time those links deliver a sale!

As the author you don’t care if people who sell your eBook for the same price as they bought it get their money back with one sale. The more your eBook gets distributed, the more money you can make from your product links, got it?